Two Fish Dead In A Day


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
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Tank size:75 gal
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0
tank temp:84

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): loss of some scales had ich last week, now have some fish with white blotches where scales look like they have fallen off

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30-50% weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: conditioner at water changed, treated ich with ich attack, melafix, and marine salt(1 1/2 table spoon.

Tank inhabitants: 2 male electric blue johani, 3 female johanni, 5 yellow labs, 2 red top hongi, 2 syno cats, 2 unknown cichlids, 1 demonsia, 1 unknown peacock,
the fish that died were a albino bristle nose pleco and an unknown black cichlid

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 3 yellow labs from local breeder with healthy tank

Exposure to chemicals: melafix, ich attack, conditioner
Are you sure that what you saw was ich?  Ich looks more like grains of salt than what you are describing.
Second, plecos are very sensitive to medications and salt.  Further, higher temps, medications and salt also decrease oxygen carrying capacity of the water, so you want to increase aeration in the tank.
yes a few fish had what looked like white grains of sand on face and fins and body so i treated it with ich attack. it cleared up and i continued treatment for about 3 days after all signs were gone.  Now fish are having this problem
just added two air stones and pulled my output up to create more airation
should i go get a 10 gallon tank tomorrow and set up a hospital tank treating a 75 gal gets expensive I dont know how people could afford to treat a huge tank
white blotches could be bacterial infection or fungal infection.  Do you have a pic?
The best move for this is lots of fresh water, many times, that alone can allow the fish to fight the infection on their own.  But, adding the proper meds can certainly help... but you'll want to remove the old meds first.
What I would suggest would be a 50% water change, then add carbon to your filter to remove the remaining meds for 24 hours before starting a new meds regimen.
Oh, the salt... you'll want to add a bit of salt to the new water, but not as much as the amount you are removing... less than that, so that you can start to bring the salt concentration back down.  I'd suggest the 50% water change and adding salt back at half dose for the replaced water...
(So, lets say you added 20ml of salt for the tank to get your current concentration.  You'd want to add 10ml to maintain salinity at the same concentration.  But, adding 5ml will mean that the main tank now only has 75% of the original concentration ~15ml left in the tank.)
should i  get aquarium salt for this i had a guy tell me to add some marine salt. Then  i have others telling me to add 1 teasponn to every 5 gallons of aquariumn salt
Aquarium salt is better than marine... But, since you started with the marine, I'd stick with it.  But drop the concentration through water changes...

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