Tv Shows And Fish Keeping

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Nov 26, 2013
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I'm not sure if this is the best place to raise this.
I've been watching a few fishtank building shows on TV, and last night one of them built a set of tanks in the shape of a drum kit. The 4 largest drums became saltwater tanks with a common filter system, but the 4 smaller drums were set up as freshwater and stocked with goldfish (lion heads, calicos and a couple I've forgotten). The tanks couldn't have been bigger than 5 gallons at the most, and 4 fish in each, they looked fairly large (3-4 inches each).
I got irate because they said "goldfish have adapted to live in water with no filtration so we don't need to worry about them" and put an airstone in each tank.
I feel sorry for the people they built the set-up for, because I imagine in a few weeks they'll be cleaning dead fish out of their centrepiece and dealing with the smell in their music store.
Am I correct in my assumptions? Should there be some sort of warning on TV shows? Admittedly they're there for the entertainment value, but I think a lot of people would take their advice because they are supposed to be experts.
I think part of it may be that they have no idea about freshwater fish.
I was very surprised when they did a large freshwater tank..filled with tons of Discus and such. 
Saw the episode you're referring to, feel so bad for the fish :(
That'd be great if there was a warning of some sort but not sure how they'd go about it.
Out of curiosity, what was the name of said show? The only "Fish" show I know is Tanked, but... i've never seen them do tanks that horrible. Tanked get a lot of smack from hobbiests because of how they just dump their fish in tanks, but what they don't understand is they've treated that water and even in one episode they stated they use bacteria products to make the aquarium safe. I've seen them make a few... a FEW tanks that kind of made me cringe, but for the most part their tanks are decent enough for most of the fish they put in there. Though they're definitally more knowledgeable about saltwater rather then freshwater.
If this IS Tanked you're talking about...... wow.. I... I mean I actually find them to be knowledgeable about what's going on but THAT is just uncalled for @_@ as they should know better than that.
It is indeed Tanked that we're talking about.
I have also heard of them doing a tank for a little boy..I think it was like an 8g or something and they put a bala shark in it. I saw part of that episode but missed what they put in.
They seem to concentrate on salt water tanks, but do have a few on the fresh side. The other one I watch is Fish Tank Kings, they seem to be exclusively salt water though, and I have no idea how they work so I can't comment. The fish are pretty though!

The other thing was they put drum pads (insulated by foam) on top of the tanks so the kit was playable.  Poor fish!
What I got during that ep was they made sure playing on it would not affect the fish in any way. Although I suppose we don't know 100% unless we're the fish..or maybe if we could be there in person.
Fish Tank Kings I quite enjoy as one of them makes a plan for the layout of the tank and the fish, making sure they are compatible and will have enough space and hiding places. :)
I wish they did freshwater as that'd be even more fun to watch.

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