Trying My Betta With Wcmm


Feb 10, 2010
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I'm trying my betta with white cloud mountain minnows, just two at first, left over from an old group. I've tried him with other fish and shrimp before with no luck, but itsd always been with a mild rescape, just moving stuff around. This time its with a new tank, and new plants. The tank has 3 plants, 2 moss balls and a coconut shell, so a few hiding places, and its 22 litres.

I put them in yesterday, and him in this evening. He's chasing them, but cant catch them, they are much faster than him. Lots of flaring too.

So my question is, how long should I wait? Will he accept them eventually, or is this bad start a sign to stop things now?

Ideally I want him in with them, as the blind goldfish they were in with wasnt getting his share of food, and I cant have more tanks, so if he doesnt get on with them I'll have to see if I can find them a new home.

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