true life fighting fish story

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Thank you so much for sharing your story BKK. I really enjoyed reading it. I am neither for or against fish fighting. It is a time honoured tradition in Thailand, and for that reason I respect the people that do it. While I would never dream of intentionally fighting my bettas, it is what they were brought up seeing. It is acceptable to them. Just because they do things differently doesn't mean it is wrong. If it is done properly by people who know what they are doing it is probably an amazing sight.

On a side note, I can't wait to go to fin omental. My girlfriend got a couple of super deltas from there and they are so pretty :wub: . Next month I am splurging.
wuvmybetta said:
bkk_group said:
I bought the excellent (and highly recommended) "Bettas; a complete pet owner's manual" published by Barron's. All my breeding questions were actually answered in this magic little book.
Excellent book, I have it right here beside me on the desk. I met the author at our betta show last month, he does indeed know his bettas, but our discussion turned sour when I heard him say silver would kill a fish on contact :X

Oh my gosh, he was there, Wuv? See, this is what I get for not being able to recognise these people :lol:. I too have that book and it has come in handy more than once; very informative. I heard part of the conversation about silver and thought there was going to be a fight! :rofl:
That was both an interesting and informative story. I can't say I'd ever willingly go to such a match, and I definitely would not put any of my male bettas in that position (I freaked out just seeing my convicts get a little too rough in their mating rituals) but of course that's only my opinion. After all, a surprising number of people think that dog shows are barbaric and/or unnatural too, and I would happily lock horns with them any day of the week ;) Betta fighting, at least, is more natural to the betta than dog shows are to my pups, so far be it from me to stand in condemnation :p
Synirr said:
wuvmybetta said:
bkk_group said:
I bought the excellent (and highly recommended) "Bettas; a complete pet owner's manual" published by Barron's. All my breeding questions were actually answered in this magic little book.
Excellent book, I have it right here beside me on the desk. I met the author at our betta show last month, he does indeed know his bettas, but our discussion turned sour when I heard him say silver would kill a fish on contact :X

Oh my gosh, he was there, Wuv? See, this is what I get for not being able to recognise these people :lol:. I too have that book and it has come in handy more than once; very informative. I heard part of the conversation about silver and thought there was going to be a fight! :rofl:

I know, I was so peeved! But yup, he was there, dressed in a suit. Little short gray haired guy.

Thank you so much BKK, That was Very Interesting to read.
I have to say the temptation to throw a few boys together and watch what happens is sometimes tempting. But with the VT Muuts we get here, it has never been done.
I read you Article on That Forum and was Shocked at the way they treated you. You gave an informative view on much Maligned Ancient Tradition and that gets alot of negativity Surrounding it.

I did a huge Paper on Bloodsports and the role of the RSPCA, in School. It was Very Informative and gave me an incite into what happens and the many Old Traditions that are still Practiced. If under somewhat Dissaprovingly Situes and BAD PRESS.

Pure Fighters are like a Cichlid Tank. with Cichlids You DON't Know when a Fish will turn and decide that everyting is food ar it hates all its tankmates.

PK Fights are held in a Controlled Environment and I read thru all the Websites you mentioned. These Fish are treated like Royalty and get the upmost care and respect. 100 times more so than we are hobbyists Do.

I Always enjoy Reading your posts. WHEN are you gonna give us some new PIX of your Fish.
I have Forgotten the last time you posted pix of your fish.
Gill said:

Thank you so much BKK, That was Very Interesting to read.
I have to say the temptation to throw a few boys together and watch what happens is sometimes tempting. But with the VT Muuts we get here, it has never been done.
I read you Article on That Forum and was Shocked at the way they treated you. You gave an informative view on much Maligned Ancient Tradition and that gets alot of negativity Surrounding it.

I did a huge Paper on Bloodsports and the role of the RSPCA, in School. It was Very Informative and gave me an incite into what happens and the many Old Traditions that are still Practiced. If under somewhat Dissaprovingly Situes and BAD PRESS.

Pure Fighters are like a Cichlid Tank. with Cichlids You DON't Know when a Fish will turn and decide that everyting is food ar it hates all its tankmates.

PK Fights are held in a Controlled Environment and I read thru all the Websites you mentioned. These Fish are treated like Royalty and get the upmost care and respect. 100 times more so than we are hobbyists Do.

I Always enjoy Reading your posts. WHEN are you gonna give us some new PIX of your Fish.
I have Forgotten the last time you posted pix of your fish.

thanks gill, i've got a few more kids from my last spawn who have matured into fine young adults, if i find the time i'll post em up :)

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