Tropical weather

dal 9tanks, to answer your question the river auth.have put up an electronic barrier to count the number of different types of fish that go into the main river. Durham has a few weirs and the last weir tumbles into the main river Wear. The fish counter which is really a clever piece of machinery counts what tumbles over. I think a certain amount are "allowed" to go over, but if it is excessive they put a huge net across the river for a few weeks. We have a lot of fishermen here in these parts.
I've had these eels, sorry loaches in the tank for nearly a week now. They seem to be thriving in the tank. The've made themselves a burrow amongst the rocks and the moss, but when there's food about theres just no stopping them. They will nibble food from your fingers if you offer it that way. Quite amazing fish! They seem to have adapted to their new environment with not bother.
Adeyc..breeding trout :) They must be hard to keep hold of :laugh:
Got any pics? :laugh:

P.S. They let me out again 8)

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