Trimming And Replanting


New Member
Jun 27, 2011
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Hello All,

Just looking for afew tips on plant care, everytime i seem to get plants they seem to grow large and then die.

I've recently tried triming them as the top of the plant touches the top of the water.

But the bottom half looks to be bare and lost most of there leaves, but recently have had some small sprouts.

Can people give me some advise how to get the most from my plants, they normally last afew month go black then rott away.


hi there, are you dosing fertilisers (macro/micro) and/or CO2, and what lighting do you use and how long for per day
You'll find the tops are getting all the light, shadowing the bottoms which results in what's happening to your plants.
i have 2 diffrent kind of lights, one for the fish? and one that feeds the plants.

i dont dose them with any fertilisers (macro/micro) and/or CO2

my tank has roughtly about 20 fish 4 of them stepping over the 3/4 inch mark in a 180litter tank the others are small to meduim size.

It also has snails hanging about, so i dropped an assassin
snail in there they disappeared and now you see the odd one knocking about.
You need to dose micro at least. It will tremendously help the plants. Some of your plants may have different light requirements and also may need extra CO2.

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