Trimac Cichlid.


Fish Addict
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
south wales uk
Common name: Trimac Cichlid

Scientific name: Amphilophus trimaculatus

Family: Cichlidae

Origin: Central America

Max size: 12" (30cm) males slightly bigger.

Care: A large tank of 75gallons. Provide a sand or fine substrate with rocks wood etc etc.PLants can be added but are likely to be destoryed by the fish as like most cichlids.

Feeding: All foods exepted. Feed flake, Frozen cockles, muscles etc. Some slight vegatable matter can be included in its diet, but avoid in excess. Generall Cichlid pellets contain a balanced meat/vegitable which can be fed as a stable diet, but also incude the above.

Sexing: Males are generally larger with the elongated finage, particulary pronounced on the dorsal and ventral fins. Males "spots" which are seen on the lateral are usually darker and more pronouced.

Breeding: Courtship will usually occur 3 - 4 days prior to spawning. The male will Express his erect finnage and may "flutter" in front of the females in the general cichlid manner. 300 - 400 eggs are laid and strong perental care is shown towards the eggs/fry. The male will often dig "pits" within the gravel of his sourrounding territory in which the newly hatched fry will be deposited. Although A large degree of perental care is shown, the fry should be moved to a sperate tank if you intent to succeed in rearing them.

Comments: The trimac is an impressive member of the cichlids. Closely related to the red devil and Midas cichlids with a simualr body form. A Nuchal Hump may form on the males but is nto as pronounced as that seen on Midas for example. A true trimaculatus is now becoming increasingly rare in the aquarium trade and often, low grade flowerhorn cichlids mistaken for the trimac cichlid. These fish are agressive and show an large degree of protection over their teritory as with most of the larger cichlids. Keep with other larger and robust cichlids. Provide a fairly large tank for these fish due to their territorial habbits and aggression.

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