Story cut short.
The wife's nan had a tree in her garden that got pulled out the ground about 5 months ago and sat behind her shed till a week ago not sure exactly what type it is but the wood is half brown where its now dead and the other where the bark was looks fresh still but when its been out the bath and dried you can see its not wet.
I've cleaned it of all mud bark and kept the bits I wanted ect and I've soaked it in my bath for at least 54 hours this week the first night it leaked loads of tannis and slowly reduced till today to hardly changing the water colour and It slightly floats.
Please note I have boil washed this and soaked it always in hot water and it eventually cools down then I refil it with hot water again through out the day.
When would it be ok to use it in my tank ???
The wife's nan had a tree in her garden that got pulled out the ground about 5 months ago and sat behind her shed till a week ago not sure exactly what type it is but the wood is half brown where its now dead and the other where the bark was looks fresh still but when its been out the bath and dried you can see its not wet.
I've cleaned it of all mud bark and kept the bits I wanted ect and I've soaked it in my bath for at least 54 hours this week the first night it leaked loads of tannis and slowly reduced till today to hardly changing the water colour and It slightly floats.
Please note I have boil washed this and soaked it always in hot water and it eventually cools down then I refil it with hot water again through out the day.
When would it be ok to use it in my tank ???