I've been battling with ich for two weeks on Saturday. I've been using Kordon Ich Attack.
I first noticed the ich on my cherry barbs (very early, only a few specs on each barb and there are 5 of them). After examining the tank closer I noticed that my dwarf gourami had a bit of it also.
None of my corydoras or my BN had it. I do have an amano shrimp and a gold mystery snail.
I began turning the temp up to 84 and doing half doses(1½tsp for the 15 gallon tank) (also removed the carbon from the filter) and keeping the lights off for longer than usual.
After a week the barbs look fine, no sign of ich on them and their fins are looking perfect. The gourami still has ich though and it is almost 2 weeks later. He seems fine and not stressed, though. I only see 2-4 spots on each side of his body and a couple spots on his dorsal fin. I only see the spots when he is in direct light.
The corydoras remain active and happy and seem unaffected by the medication and the raise in temperature.
The only QT tank that I could set up is a 1 gallon with no filter or heater :\ (I'm getting 30 gallon next week so this 15 gallon will become the QT tank).
I'm worried that if I keep my temps up and keep treating the tank for too much longer that my corydoras will start to become stressed and unhappy. Should I remove the inverts and treat with a better ich medication? Although from what I've read it doesn't really work that way as I'd have to completely clean the tank to make sure there is no more copper in the tank before putting the inverts back in... Also aren't corydoras sensitive to stronger ich medications?
Also everybody is eating fine and active as if nothing is wrong.
Heavily planted with live plants.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Ammonia: 0
NitrItes: 0
NitrAtes: 10
PH: 7.2
I first noticed the ich on my cherry barbs (very early, only a few specs on each barb and there are 5 of them). After examining the tank closer I noticed that my dwarf gourami had a bit of it also.
None of my corydoras or my BN had it. I do have an amano shrimp and a gold mystery snail.
I began turning the temp up to 84 and doing half doses(1½tsp for the 15 gallon tank) (also removed the carbon from the filter) and keeping the lights off for longer than usual.
After a week the barbs look fine, no sign of ich on them and their fins are looking perfect. The gourami still has ich though and it is almost 2 weeks later. He seems fine and not stressed, though. I only see 2-4 spots on each side of his body and a couple spots on his dorsal fin. I only see the spots when he is in direct light.
The corydoras remain active and happy and seem unaffected by the medication and the raise in temperature.
The only QT tank that I could set up is a 1 gallon with no filter or heater :\ (I'm getting 30 gallon next week so this 15 gallon will become the QT tank).
I'm worried that if I keep my temps up and keep treating the tank for too much longer that my corydoras will start to become stressed and unhappy. Should I remove the inverts and treat with a better ich medication? Although from what I've read it doesn't really work that way as I'd have to completely clean the tank to make sure there is no more copper in the tank before putting the inverts back in... Also aren't corydoras sensitive to stronger ich medications?
Also everybody is eating fine and active as if nothing is wrong.
Heavily planted with live plants.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Ammonia: 0
NitrItes: 0
NitrAtes: 10
PH: 7.2