Transforming Guppy


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I saved very few fry from my very first two batches of fry, so its been easy to trace their growth and changes. Most of them are taking predictable changes as they develope... in that, the colors are coming in and getting darker and expanding and other colors are appearing alongside them. But not for this little guy (who is nearly 3 months old)... I don't know what to expect from him by the week!!

Just wanted to share a few pics of him so far.

that is very odd in the one picture (far right) he looks like a regular male in the other too hes a like a hemaphrodite its a female with a males shlomo :crazy:
It is very bizarre! I have had two that looked very similar to the first picture... the only difference in the other one is that it has a yellow stripe down the middle of the tail fin. The weird thing is... today at nearly 3 months... this boy has morphed completely... but the other one that looked similar... still looks identical to how it did from the same stage as the first picture. BUT... the other one looks neither male nor female and I can't figure it out at all... plus, its not really developed in size or shape or anything.
Here, I've found a recent pic of the other strange one. One day I want to say its female... then the next day I want to say its male. It currently resides in my all male tank and no one is trying to mate with it. The thing is... all my males had this body shape and fin look before suddenly transforming have having gonopodiums (all of them had body color before sprouting their glory :lol: )

And here is that same one in a picture taken the very same day as the first picture in my original post.
I saved very few fry from my very first two batches of fry, so its been easy to trace their growth and changes. Most of them are taking predictable changes as they develope... in that, the colors are coming in and getting darker and expanding and other colors are appearing alongside them. But not for this little guy (who is nearly 3 months old)... I don't know what to expect from him by the week!!

Just wanted to share a few pics of him so far.

Whoa, started with blue tail, then went red and grew a gonopodium? o_O now that is one strange guppy... But it is not an isolated case, there was someone on youtube that had a guppy female with a gonopodium. Only that they didn't mention it changing colors.

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