tough decision


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2003
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ok first of all i would like to thank all the ppl that have helped me with my tank and all the advice that they have given me it has been really helpful :D B) :p :D :) :kana:
ok the reason why i say this is because my fishies have been alive for 2 months and thats the longest they have liveed since i started this any ways there is a guy at my work that i was talking too about buying his 55gal and he wants to sell it to me for $200 this includes-filters-rocks-heater-and all the fish plus the lights well he told me that he had gotten ich and that when he noticed it he drained 25% of the water first and refilled it and then put the treatment in I told him that he did it wrong and that he was supposed to treat first and then BEFORE(i stressed this to him several times)BEFORE you treat again drain 25% of the water and refill add your dechlorinator and then treat again repeating this process for as long as it takes to cure the ich. did i tell him right and 2 hes had fish for 10 somethin years shouldnt he know this already and last should i still buy the tank but replace the fish because i dont want to go through the ich again ive spent too much money on replaceing my fish in my 29gal.

thanx B)
Actually I'm inclined to go with your friend, ich is often caused by stress on the fish usually with bad water quality so you can't really go wrong with an initial water change, I someppl that do daily 10% water changes whilst treating as well, although this dilutes the medication it does mean the water stays pristine. Also you said add the water and then the dechlorinator, the dechlorinator should ALWAYS be added to the water before its added to the tank otherwise the chlorine will the bacteria in no time at all.

Another good way of helping ich is to edge the temperature slowly up to 82-83F as ich can't survive well above this temperature.
Hi NBND69 :)

IMHO, your friend isn't giving you any great deal on the set up. In fact, you would be doing him a favor taking his sick fish.

Here, in NY, I can get a new 55 gallon tank and stand combo for $89. The hood and lights would run about the same. Add another $30 or so for an AquaClear 300 filter (or a bit more if you get a bigger 500 model). That just leaves the heater and gravel. (I use #3 bulk gravel which costs $14 or so for a 50 lb. bag.) If you shop around, you may be able to do better in OK than I can in NY.

A used set-up should cost about 1/2 or less than you would expect to pay new.

I wouldn't even think about taking those fish until I was satisfied that they were cured. Moving a 55 gallon tank is a big job and the fish will be out of it for a period of time. If they are not healthy, they will relapse.

Unless money is no object, used equipment is usually a good bargain. Almost all my tanks and accessories were bought at yard sales or from lfs who were getting rid of display tanks and I'm happy with them.

Check the local advertising papers and you may find a much better deal than your friend is offering. ;)
I have to go with Inchworm on this one. I have bought all but oone of my tanks used, and have not paid that much. I got a 40g with stand for $50 (+ the cost to upgrade to a Fluval 304), and my 80g with EVERYTHING was only $300.

You can (or should be able to) find a much better deal then your friend is offering. And you probably won't be taking over someone else's diseases.

Hi ! I agree. Youre friend problably thinks hes giving you a good deal as he has problably spent alot more than that on his setup.But with sick fish Its not going to be a joyous occasion for you :( Now if he has no where to get rid of them maybe you could be doing him and the fish a favor if youre feeling charitable :p But otherwise walmart(I know not the best quality) has a 55 gallon setup with filter,hood,lights and many accesories(no stand) for $155.00.Now thats a deal :p
I just saw that setup at is a good deal...comes with a heater and thermometer too. We only paid $100. cash for a used 75 gallon with huge wooden cabinet stand and all accessories. :D
SOUNDS LIKE I NEED TO SHOP around more because another guy at work told me that his dad sold a 55gal and a 75gal w/all the excesseries plus stands for a $100 (i wish that would have been me :D )and now that ive got MTS (and loveing it)i think i will :D B)

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