Too Much Water Conditioner In Aquarium Water


Mostly New Member
Feb 15, 2014
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So today i did a small water change that i do on a daily basis in all my aquariums but i accidently put DOUBLE the dose of water conditioner in the new water by accident that i was replacing in one off my tanks not all of them. I only realised this after i put water in, the amount of water changes I do on a daily basis to my tanks works out i believe no more then 15% each tank on a daily basis so i want to know would this kill my fish ?

so far they look fine , i am worried as i never done this before until today by overdosing it by double the required amount.
Are you cycling this tank? I ask as this section is for cycling related issues? If so, one should not overdose dechlors which also detoxify ammonia while cycling a tank. The same applies for adding stand alone ammonia detoxifiers or removers.
Lots of people "overdose" with water conditioners in the belief that it's better than under-dosing - should be ok.
Just curious why you are doing daily water changes. 
I do daily water changes because that's what i always have done , plus my fish are used to it soni could say its a regular thing for me. Also with the fact i like to maintain PH and water purity to a level. I used to do water changes every 2nd day but i find that pushing it especially when you get bacteria bloom off cloudy water after feeding or placing veggies and fruits in the tank. Weather blanched food or not it happens all the time to me. Hence the daily change of water.

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