To Introduce Myself


New Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Hi everyone I am a new member just learning the ropes, and a fellow fish lover
Hi Sarah.
Why not tell ipus a bit about you and your fish?
Here's a little about me:
I keep neon tetras and bristlenose catfish. I live in regional Victoria Australia and I like cryptocerns ( one of the only plants that dont die in my tank lol :D )
lol. Us. Accidentally stuck an ip on the front.

Just kidding, ipus is my pet rock.:D
I have a 125l tank planted. I have a variety of fish- glass cat fish, balloon mollies, a Plecoptera, an elephant nose, dwarf gourami, neon tetras, sword tails, catfish, bumblebee goby, a shrimp and some stripy worm type things. The elephant nose is the lates addition and I have only just realised how hard it is going to be keeping him alive!!

I live in England

Plecoptera- lol that's an insect- sorry predictive text!

Ment a common pleco!
Common plecos grow to about a foot in size so you might want to think about rehoming yours, plus the elephant nose won't be too far behind it.

Can you be specific with regards to numbers of each species as it sounds like your overstocked. As a rule you should have around 33 inches of fully grown fish in your tank.
I will consider re-home or tank upgrade when the time comes. I would never be cruel to them.
I know sounds lot of fish but am pretty sure not over stocked. They have loads of room to swim and get away from each other, loads of hiding places and plants to sit in.

3 neon
3 dwarf gourami
2 balloon Molly
3 sword tail
2 bumblebee
2 worm things
3 glass cat fish
1 tiny cat fish
1 pleco
1 elephant nose

What are your thoughts?
Ok, I think you're at about maximum based on that although I'd rehome the unsuitable fish before they become an issue. You don't want them to get stunted and stressed.

However you also have low numbers of shoaling fish, neons and corys (catfish) should be in shoals of 5 or more. I think the glass catfish are the same too.

If I were you I'd rehome the Plec, elephant nose and maybe 2-3 of the other types to allow you to up the shoals of what you decide to keep. I'd also find out what the "worm things" are in case they're not suitable. Got a picture or can you describe them a bit more?
Perhaps kuhli loaches are the mysterious worm things?
Anyway, I second Jetmans advice.
Yeah they are some type of loach things, they are fascinating. I will consider your advice thank you.

What are your thoughts on planted aquariums v plastic?
I hate plastic plants. Most look unrealistic and they can hurt fish :) . I prefer live plants or the silk type.
I have planted, some of them do really well but the busy grasses tend to go brown and look awful!

Have you ever used the plant food that you can buy? Does it have any effect on the fish?
Live plants is the way to go. Food wise, you can buy liquid ferts or mix your own which is cheaper. Neither will cause any problems to your fish.
I don't plant food as all my plants are indestructible ( had to go through about 200 before I found the right ones ).
Personally I dont think that its worth all that fuss with the right dosing for plants that are similar to ones which don't need plant food.
Most don't agree so it's all up to you. I don't think they hurt fish if dosed right. Could be wrong though as I've never used them.
Sorry to bombard with questions! :)

Wet about yourself jetman what's your fishy background?

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