To Carbon Or Not To Carbon?

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Apr 10, 2012
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West Midlands, UK
I'm in the process of setting up a new tank and my new filter's arrived today. It comes with porous carbon 'sachets' and carbon sponges pre loaded - like most filters. Since I'm planting a low-tech and low-light tank, should I or should I not use the carbon? I won't be dosing CO2 and I'll probably only in rare circumstances dose ferts to the tank. I will be using a sand/fine gravel substrate that's already been loaded with nutrients and that's about it really. It wont be particularly heavily planted either. Maybe about 50% of the substrate will have some form of plant in it.
From what I've learned here, you only need to use carbon to remove any medication you might've used in your tank.
For day to day use you don't need it
OK cool, that pretty much sums up everything I need to know. What should I use to stick in the empty tray? More bio balls? I've been reading up on blogs and stuff is all and I think I'm just a bit confused about what I should and should not have in the filter and at what point.
I love carbon in my planted tanks...i will always advocate carbon in high tech tanks, also in newly set up tanks. Keep it in. :good:
Now I'm confused, every one else says you don't need it, so I took mine out.
All my tanks are planted, so what is the benefit of using carbon in planted tanks?
in high tech tanks it will remove most/some of the organic waste from the plants, the organic waste which will lead to ammonia, which will lead to algae outbreaks. Most aquascapers/planted tank keepers tend to use carbon or purigen.

I love the stuff...i think we are to quick to tell people to get rid of the stuff on here.
So carbon is actually OK for use in a low-tech planted tank? I think, just to be safe I might use Purigen regardless. ;)

In your experience is carbon or purigen better?

EDIT: By better, I just mean 'is more readily available and more cost effective'. :)
My tanks are decidedly low tech, though heavily planted, so would you say use the carbon?
So many conflicting opinions, so little brain power to digest lol
as said this is purely my/other aquascapers opinion, but i do have the tanks to show it (thats not being big headed!). I use carbon in all of my tanks, it doesn't do any harm.

@ Tom also IME Purigen is better value for money, it will also polish your water better than carbon. I have both carbon and purigen in my filters at present.

I also really rate Seachem Matrix, the best media on the market.
Thank you, will put the carbon in & see if it makes a difference
is there a problem in the tank Caz?
No, the tanks are fine most if the time, do tend to get a bit cloudy every now & then, especially after a large water change of over 25%

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