Tips For Transporting Betta


Jan 8, 2014
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So I have to move out of my dorm room and I was wondering if anyone had any tips for me. I bought I a critter keeper from petco (a rather large one because I couldn't bear to put him in something tiny). He'll be in the keeper for no more than 3 hours. My main concern is the water temp fluctuation because I'll have to leave him in the car while we go eat (it's going to be 62 so I'm not concerned about it getting to hot). I'm also fasting him starting today (since it's the day I usually fast him so I'll just continue it until Friday). But any tips will be appreciated. 
You need to do is make sure the critter keeper won't move around too much. I typically remove all decor and plants from the tank, put my fish in food safe containers with holes punched in the lids, and then line the the containers up so they fill the bottom of the tank. This keeps the fish from being jostled too much and keeps them safe from my pup. I also tend to put the hoods back on the tanks so that nothing can fall in. I wouldn't worry much about the temp. If it really concerns you, wrap a towel around the container so some heat is retained. He should be fine without heat for that long. However, you will want to do a slow acclimation.

I usually keep betta cups and use these for transportation. Though small, I can keep the fish in my cup holder while I drive and I can be absolutely sure there won't be anything to shake the poor fish (except for bumps in the road).
I am going to buckle the critter keeper into my passenger seat. Ummm I don't really have a way to acclimate :/ (I forgot about doing that) would a ziplock bag work or should I go out to the LFS to get a bag? 
You can use the critter keeper if you'd like. You can take some airline tubing or the tube from your siphon. Then you just drip acclimate. You can also get a bag from your LFS or use a plastic bag. What size critter keeper did you get?
It's classified as medium. It's 11.75 in x8 in x7.75 in
OH! Idea! Since I don't have a bag or any spare tubing to make a drip could I pour a little bit of water into the critter keeper slowly at a time (like every ten or so minutes, does it need to be sooner?) over the course of say an hour to acclimate and then just use my net to put him back in the tank?
Yes, take a cup and pour a small amount every so often to acclimate him. Easy peasy.

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