Tiny Terry - Cherry Barb Bully Boy


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
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staring at my fish in Lichfield, Staffs UK
Any one got any experience of aggressive cherry barbs? I have 2 males and 2 females in with danios and corys. One of my males has turned into a tiny terror. I've only had them about 6 weeks but he has taken over the tank (all 96 ltrs of it!). Not content with bullying the other 3 cherry barbs so that he 'owns' 7/8ths of the tank he has now turned his attention onto the corys, chasing and nipping them out of 'his' tank and pining them into a corner. Obviously he hadn't read the books that say they're peaceful with other fish!
Has anyone got any ideas on how to curb this nasty behaviour or have i got a rogue fish? I'm now having to consider buying another tank to house him because he's making life so miserable for everyone else!
best wishes

Cherry barbs are best kept 1 male to a group of females as males can often be territorial, either rehome him and swap him for a female or get a bigger group of females so each male has his own little harem.

Emma :)
Mmm.. it does sound like he's got a personality problem! Thanks guys. I think I'll have to take him out into his own little world. Have you had any experiences of them bullying corys? If i create a tank for him are there any species that you think I could put in with him safely? How small a tank do you think I could manage? I was thinking of a 15 l biorb, the new one. Any thoughts?

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