Tiny Fish Skeleton, Need Id'ing


New Member
May 2, 2013
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hi! i work in a pet store, and while i was doing a water change in the so. african cichlid and plecostomus tank, i came across a very tiny skeleton, and i was wondering if anyone knew which it belonged to? i'm thinking pleco, but i'm probably wrong. 
i'm also hoping to preserve it, if anyone has any advice on that/knows if it can be done?
thanks in advance! here's some pictures!
^^ LOL
My parents always tell me the story of how when i was little, i came accross the remains my cat had brought it and tearfully asked if it was still alive. It was a mouse's head LOL
That aside...
I dont see many skeletons of fish but plec skeletons generally look like plecs still! That would make me think more of another catfish, maybe a synodontis catfish was in the tank?
I'm thinking it's more likely to be one of the cichlids; plec skulls are broader and flatter and often have the first pectoral fin rays fused to them, AFAIK.
As long as you keep it dry ir should keep.

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