Fish Fanatic
A few months ago I posted images of my cory eggs. I managed to save around 100 eggs in an ice cream tub, and 3 days later five eggs hatched on the 24th May 2012 which I was so lucky to witness.
Over the next few months they grew and grew but slowly one by one they died, I was devastated, I only had 2 left and managed to set up a small tank for them to grow until big enough for the main tank. The day of the move to the main tank, another baby died and I couldn't see why so I decided the last cory would spend a further few days in the baby tank after some water treatment.
Around a week later I carefully netted the baby out and moved her over to the main tank and I was so nervous letting her go with the "big boys", I must of sat there for 2 hours watching her with my net in hand just in case something was to go wrong. She hung around with the Rosy barbs at first then hung about with the albino corys until she saw "Sam and Frodo" my two bronze Corys and ever since she has always been very playful with all the others. I decided to call her Tinky, I don't know why considering I have a bit of Lord of the rings theme going on with the few fish I've named, but it seems to have stuck.
Anyway here she is (image is stamped as it is my own used for my website)
I am proud to have raised my very own cory!
Over the next few months they grew and grew but slowly one by one they died, I was devastated, I only had 2 left and managed to set up a small tank for them to grow until big enough for the main tank. The day of the move to the main tank, another baby died and I couldn't see why so I decided the last cory would spend a further few days in the baby tank after some water treatment.
Around a week later I carefully netted the baby out and moved her over to the main tank and I was so nervous letting her go with the "big boys", I must of sat there for 2 hours watching her with my net in hand just in case something was to go wrong. She hung around with the Rosy barbs at first then hung about with the albino corys until she saw "Sam and Frodo" my two bronze Corys and ever since she has always been very playful with all the others. I decided to call her Tinky, I don't know why considering I have a bit of Lord of the rings theme going on with the few fish I've named, but it seems to have stuck.
Anyway here she is (image is stamped as it is my own used for my website)

I am proud to have raised my very own cory!