Tinfoil Barbs

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Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
Agincourt, Ontario, Canada
Does anyone have any? I've heard alot about tiger barbs, but I dont think they would be big enough for the other species in the tank I want to put it in. What do they eat? are they aggressive? attractive looking? exceiting? Any educated opinions are welcome.
Tinfoil barbs are the aquatic garbage disposals of the fish world, they will eat anything and everything ranging from small fish right through to plants. IMO they are best kept in a species tank as they feed so aggressively and so fast that any tankmates dont get a look in on food, if you must keep them with tankmates then choose ones that are fast moving upper level feeders like Bala sharks and other large Cyprinids.
I tried unsuccessfully to keep tinfoil barbs in a tank containing a few large catfish, a pair of green severums and a arowana, the result was a very thin looking catfish and severums which litterally couldnt compete for food as the barbs grew from 4" to 12" in around 6 months, even food given at night was mopped in seconds by the ever ravenous barbs, i never found a food they wouldnt eat. The final straw was when a barb accidently removed a gill cover from a then 10" shovelnose catfish which was attempting to swallow a mussel the barb was homing in on, they were quickly returned to a lfs who then passed them on to a zoo due to their large size.
The catfish is still missing its left gill cover which never grew back but other than that it is healthy and around 14" in length now.
I did have 2 Tinfoils in my 55, but then I found out how big they get!! they were great fish though, and I didn't have the same problems CFC had. Although, they have now gone back to the LFS, and when I had them they were about 3-4", they are now about 7-8" and that is only 3 months later, so they are obviously feeding pretty damn well now!!!! :lol:
I did have 2 Tinfoils in my 55, but then I found out how big they get!! they were great fish though, and I didn't have the same problems CFC had. Although, they have now gone back to the LFS, and when I had them they were about 3-4", they are now about 7-8" and that is only 3 months later, so they are obviously feeding pretty damn well now!!!!

What do you usuallly feed the tinfoil barb with
Opinions - Tinfoils are cool fish. In answer to your questions:

1 - I have six small ones in my 75 gallon along with Green Tiger Barbs and Yellow Lab African cichlids.

2 - They eat anything that can fit in their mouths.

3 - Attractive? - I think they are great looking, red & black fins along with silver scales that reflect various greens, blues, yellows, & reds depending on where the light hits them.

4 - Aggressive - only when eating.

5 - Exciting - sure, they school, swim constantly, and are always out and about.

They do grow fast, I would work out in advance if the store you buy them from will take them back on trade in, and understand that due to economics they may or may not give you any credit for them.

If your tank is under 55 gallons, don't bother. They are very fast and somewhat skittish, so they will be banging against the glass constantly in a smaller tank.

I've found that my hard water and high ph keep them from growing as quickly as soft, neutral/slightly acidic water does, but as tough as they are, acclimate them slowly or they will shock out.

Good luck!
After more then 3 years, I doubt he is still waiting for opinions!
You are probably right, I guess I'll have to look at posting dates in the future, I just figured the thread would be current. :blush:

Hopefully someone else can use the info.

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