Tiger Barbs?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2013
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So as I have stated in other threads I currently do not have my tank setup but I have been helping my mother in law with hers. She recently completed a fish in cycle (she didnt know and sadly there were casualties) and currently has 16 tiger barbs and a raphael catfish in her 55g tank with a marineland emporer 400 filter. She asked me what I thought about adding a group of Green Tiger barbs to kind of mix it up a bit. I am not sure what her stock level can go up to with barbs, but she would like to add 15 or 16 green barbs. Is the tank large enough for that many more fish? Or is there another contrasting school that she could add to bring out the wow in her tank?
Raphaels are fairly big fish - between 15-20cm is the norm for these in aquaria. With that and 16 tigers, I would say not to add any more. If you were to take the Raphael back (which overall I would recommend, really), I'd say you could get 12 green tigers.
The good thing about green tigers are that they are a colour morph of the standard tiger barb, not a different species, so they will be perfectly compatible with the standard ones.
Hi SimpleDog
I agree with Lock Man... with the Raphael in there I wouldn't add anything else. If you rehome the Raphael, personally I would mix it up instead of doing all Tigers. I have Tigers with Rosy Barbs and they get along really well. Odessa Barbs are beautiful fish and would be compatible. Do a google search for Tiger Barb Tank Mates....Tigers have a bad rep so there is a ton of info out there regarding compatibility. Hope this helps!
I appreciate the input. I know she wont be adding anymore anytime soon. We are currently watching for ammonia spike with the few the she just added. Prior to the additions, I know the tank was cycled as I personally checked with my test kit. Sitting at 0am, 0 nitrites, and 20nitrates.
How many did she add? Depending on the # of new fish added and how established the tank was already you may not get an ammonia spike.
I have a 54g and when I was stocking it I recall adding 5 at once and my parameters never budged. You may not see an ammonia spike.
 We probably wont but t my experience its better safe than sorry. 

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