Tiger Barbs


Jun 29, 2005
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Las Vegas, NV - USA
I was debating on how i am setting up my tank, i am totally redoing it with fish, and now i was thinking of getting green tiger barbs, albino tigers, and regulars, and i was wondering how they would be with an angle and anything else i put in the tank. I guess i am asking mainly for other peoples experiences because i was wondering if i got 6 would that be ok?
What have you done with all your other fish?

Just got bored of them and got rid of them?
no if u read previous posting, most were given to my dad for his tank, and the ones i took back were the aggressive fish. All the fish i had are ok and healthy
So what are you planning to have in the tank with the barbs?

Your stock has changed so often it's impossible to keep up.
Ahh just see your post from earlier.

So now you're planning on putting Tiger Bards in with Gourmais and an Angel?

When you say you work in a fish shop, do you mean as a cleaner? I find it very hard top believe that you are actually employed to look after fish. :angry:
I said i dont know what will be in the tank with the barbs, i just like the green coloring and i want a green fish. instead of being how u r, why dont u actually help me out and tell me what i should do, or tell me of another green fish or smoething.
ANIM4L said:
I was debating on how i am setting up my tank, i am totally redoing it with fish, and now i was thinking of getting green tiger barbs, albino tigers, and regulars, and i was wondering how they would be with an angle and anything else i put in the tank. I guess i am asking mainly for other peoples experiences because i was wondering if i got 6 would that be ok?

is this your 60g tank?
if so here is my advice
^ is an ok starting school but IME more = better.
A school of ten or more TBs' will be great in there :cool:
(3 of each colour and 1 of any other you like, I'm guessing green)

I have tb's with angels with no problems at all, although some people say you shouldn't, due to either the nippyness of the TB's or the aggressiveness of the angels.

Any other fast swimming fish(danios, colombian tetras etc) will be good tank mates for TB's, you should avoid slow swimmers and those with flowing fins, so no guppies, or any L/F versions of fish.

Also see my PM
thank you for that
i will look into getting 9 of them, what is the required space of rthem, since i knwo about the one inch per gallon, but they are school, so 9 of them ar between 22.5"-27" (max size 2.5-3 inches) so would that take off that many inches of fish, or because they are schooling count it as like 10-15 inches? do u get what i mean lol?
the 1 inch per gal is more of a guidline than a rule....TBs are low waste producers(not totaly sure) so they wont matter too much. as long as u have really good filtration and keep up with water changes you can easily double it to 2 inches per gal. what other fish are you planning on......if you go with angles and gouramis it might not work. my gourami would care less about TBs but had major jealosy issues with the angel i tried to put in. i would just stay away from slow moving fish and ones with long flowy fins with the TBs.
The 1" per gallon guideline is a guide to the absolute maximum you should consider. The "low waste" business is an excuse put forward to overstock tanks. 1" per gallon assumes regular tropicals, not messy fish like cichlids, i.e. the "low waste" is built into the guideline.

I would always advise against keeping TB's with gouramies or Angels. The fins are just too tempting a target for any self respecting TB.
oh ok...thats just what several people have told me.....he might be able to get away with the gourami. mine could care less about each other.
If you are planning a aquarium with tiger barbs (and/or green barbs or albino tiger barbs) then realize that by far they are aggressive and non-community fish as a whole. There are instances where you get lucky and get a group that co-exist with everything without problem but you are more likely to get one or two that exhibit impish and aggressive and eventually others will follow suit.

Suitable tank mates that have been suggested:

- clown loaches
- zebra danios
- red finned shark (rainbow)
- red tailed shark
- bala shark

Others I've seen:

- phantom tetras
- ruby barbs
- tinfoil barbs

I recently took the plunge and decided to add some more fish to my tiger barb tank: a red-finned shark and a group of zebra danios. The danios stay at the top and are far too agile for tiger barbs, fast enough to hog some of the food I fed them. The red-finned shark, however, did not fare as well. I have two TBs that I've identified as problem fish, once they start in then everybody follows suit. I had to remove the shark. Even though it's twice the size of the TBs length wise it's not as agile and didn't stand a chance against the whole group (it's happy now in my catfish fry tank).

On the plus side, TBs are a strong fish and in my case have outlived everything I've owned. In the appropriate setting they are attractive when schooling and are occasionally fun to watch when they go nuts feeding.

On the minus side, they are a community crap-shoot. If you don't want the hassle or don't want a TB only aquarium then it might be best to try other fish.

Tiger Barbs (photo)
i hear that anything over 10 TB's can make them really aggressive, and the only way to lower the aggression is to get 6 min or 10 max. anyone else able to comfirm this?
I had a school of 14, there was no aggression
problems at all with this size group.

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