Ok so I've been asking questions about tank mates that can handle tiger barbs. I was going to do swordtails but my wife and children over ruled me as they want larger fish to look at. So I've been doing some research and as usual have run into conflicting info. So I'm going to list some fish that I am interested in adding to my tank to get some feedback. I know some of these probably won't work as my personal research has revealed mostly negative feedback on the combinations. I am happy to hear anyone's opinions, but I am also hoping to here about actual experiences from people who may have tried some of these combos. So here is my tank parameters and current stock:
55 gallon (4 ft long)
75 f
8.0 ph
Nitrates 5-10 ppm, ammonia 0, nitrites 0 with 50% water changes every 5-7 days
Some low light hardy plants
Gravel bottom with thoughts of switching to half sand or full sand in the near future
7 tiger barbs
7 albino tiger barbs
2 albino cory cats
4 bronze cory cats
7 otocinclus vittatus
1 flying fox
1 Bolivian ram
So I am curious about peacocks, apistos, kribs, convicts, yellow labs, electric blues and angels. Before I add another species I am considering making my single ram a breeding pair. Also, as far as the new species goes, I am open to keeping singles, breeding pairs or groups to provide the most diversity and the highest. Handle for success.
So I know that barbs can be a pain to mix with other fish so I am looking for something aggressive enough to hold their but not something that will kill the barbs. They are by far my favorite fish and I will. To get rid of them. With that being said I know my options for a "centerpiece" fish or group is limited. Pleased keep that in kind when giving advice. I would rather not put any of the listed fish in my tank as opposed to getting rid of my tigers.
So let's talk about your experiences with barbs and my list. Or even what you have read about my list. Feel free to state the obvious. For instance I know angels have long fins and barbs tend to be nippy. Or that African cichlids shouldn't mixed with non African cichlids. Be rude, be mean about dispelling my wish list compatibility with my current stock, but most importantly be honest. I have read a lot info regarding the list I am considering incorporating into my tank. I think I know the best direction to go but am reaching out to confirm my decision and to reassure myself that it is right. I've made terrible choices before and do. Of wish to repeat them. I would also hate to find out that a fish that I like is compatible with my current stock but I was too scared to ask about it.
So please let the comments fly. Also if you have a recommendation for centerpiece to go with my barbs I would be happy to hear it. I was looking for 5-6". By my calculations I could fit 3-4 in my tank with the addition of a new ram. Thank you.
55 gallon (4 ft long)
75 f
8.0 ph
Nitrates 5-10 ppm, ammonia 0, nitrites 0 with 50% water changes every 5-7 days
Some low light hardy plants
Gravel bottom with thoughts of switching to half sand or full sand in the near future
7 tiger barbs
7 albino tiger barbs
2 albino cory cats
4 bronze cory cats
7 otocinclus vittatus
1 flying fox
1 Bolivian ram
So I am curious about peacocks, apistos, kribs, convicts, yellow labs, electric blues and angels. Before I add another species I am considering making my single ram a breeding pair. Also, as far as the new species goes, I am open to keeping singles, breeding pairs or groups to provide the most diversity and the highest. Handle for success.
So I know that barbs can be a pain to mix with other fish so I am looking for something aggressive enough to hold their but not something that will kill the barbs. They are by far my favorite fish and I will. To get rid of them. With that being said I know my options for a "centerpiece" fish or group is limited. Pleased keep that in kind when giving advice. I would rather not put any of the listed fish in my tank as opposed to getting rid of my tigers.
So let's talk about your experiences with barbs and my list. Or even what you have read about my list. Feel free to state the obvious. For instance I know angels have long fins and barbs tend to be nippy. Or that African cichlids shouldn't mixed with non African cichlids. Be rude, be mean about dispelling my wish list compatibility with my current stock, but most importantly be honest. I have read a lot info regarding the list I am considering incorporating into my tank. I think I know the best direction to go but am reaching out to confirm my decision and to reassure myself that it is right. I've made terrible choices before and do. Of wish to repeat them. I would also hate to find out that a fish that I like is compatible with my current stock but I was too scared to ask about it.
So please let the comments fly. Also if you have a recommendation for centerpiece to go with my barbs I would be happy to hear it. I was looking for 5-6". By my calculations I could fit 3-4 in my tank with the addition of a new ram. Thank you.