Tiger Barb "pregnant" Or Is Something Wrong


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2015
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Just bought 6 tiger barbs today and I noticed one of them is extremely bloated. Is this a female and she's "pregnant" or is it bloated?? don't think it's a Desi ease it's acting perfect, eating well, swimming well, not hiding. I'll post pictures.
Sorry the pictures aren't that great. They're fast little boogers.


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Tiger barbs dont get pregnant, they are egg layers, so she may just be full of eggs, nothing to stress about
Thats why I put quotes around pregnant.Dnt know the correct word. I know she lays eggs. Just cat tel if that's has going on or if she's constipated or something.
Wow sorry my fingers are faster than my phone can type!! Sorry for the typos.
She's acting really weird. Will see if she made it in the morning. Might just be super full or something. Fingers crossed.
see if you can get her to eat some peas - cook them and then squash them in your fingers and get rid of the outer casing bit. Peas are great for constipated fish. If that doesn't help it could be that she's got an internal worm or she could be full of eggs as Alasse said :)
From the picture that looks a female. Males have red markings on the nose whereas females tend to not have any or its very pale, also the dorsal find red is brighter on the males. If you can look at her "stomach" you can usually see tiny balls above the anal fins, these are the eggs. I cannot tell from the picture, but her general shape is suggesting more that she is carrying eggs.  If she is acting weird at night time this is because tiger barbs usually spawn at night. - the changes of you seeing the eggs the following morning are very slim because they will eat the eggs rapidly.
If you cannot see any eggs inside her then try the cooked de-shelled pea. Tiger barbs are very greedy fish and do suffer with constipation, bloat and plain obese issues. - Tip when feeding only feed a tiny amount and spread it right across the surface of the water.
Hope this helps
Just adding a note to say, the word you're looking for is 'gravid', OP ;)
Thanks for all the advice. I always put cooked peas in my tank. Don't know who eats them but they're always gone by morning. I'm going to study her a but to see if I see any eggs. Her bloat has gone down a but but she is still.very bloated. She seems great though. Although I do randomly see her by herself at night sleeping in a plant. But as soon as she sees me she us very active.

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