Tiger Barb Open Wound


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
I have 7 Tiger Barbs in a 56 gallon tank, they been together for months, no recent additions, all conditions are fine. This particular barb had a torn fin when I bought him, and although it healed he was the smallest and most-bullied of all the barbs. I have seen one barb in particular chase him all around the tank for minutes on end, although he'll hide under a plant for a while, and the others pay him no mind when he comes back out.
I've admittedly been paying less attention to the tank recently, but I'm pretty sure he was fully healthy during last week's water change. Today, I noticed he has a fairly large patch, roughly pea sized, that is white, with the center slightly red. It could possibly be a fungal infection, he was eating under some plants with the injury turned away from me. He still swims fine, eats fine, chases the others fine, and the water conditions are good, so I don't think it will be dangerous, and I don't have a quarantine tank set up atm anyways, but any advice on how to keep him happy until the injury heals would be appreciated. I could possibly add a few more barbs to the tank, but want to conserve that space for something that interests me.
I have 7 Tiger Barbs in a 56 gallon tank, they been together for months, no recent additions, all conditions are fine. This particular barb had a torn fin when I bought him, and although it healed he was the smallest and most-bullied of all the barbs. I have seen one barb in particular chase him all around the tank for minutes on end, although he'll hide under a plant for a while, and the others pay him no mind when he comes back out.
I've admittedly been paying less attention to the tank recently, but I'm pretty sure he was fully healthy during last week's water change. Today, I noticed he has a fairly large patch, roughly pea sized, that is white, with the center slightly red. It could possibly be a fungal infection, he was eating under some plants with the injury turned away from me. He still swims fine, eats fine, chases the others fine, and the water conditions are good, so I don't think it will be dangerous, and I don't have a quarantine tank set up atm anyways, but any advice on how to keep him happy until the injury heals would be appreciated. I could possibly add a few more barbs to the tank, but want to conserve that space for something that interests me.

Add some melafix, its an antiseptic and prevent infection as long as you keep good water hygene. But don't use it if you have anabantnoids (gouramis, bettas etc) as it will harm their labyrinth organ.
Using StressCoat+ as a dechlorinator will help too, the aloe vera soothes wounds and encourages healing.

If your tank isn't at the limit, consider adding more Tiger Barbs. The more numerous there are, the less aggressive they are to each other :good:
Does the wound look red with a circling of dead white tissue around the edges. As this can mean the fish has an ulcer. Wounds that are white on the edges and red in the center are most typically Aeromonas.

You could isolate the sick fish and use maracyn plus. I wouldn't advise using maracyn plus to the main tank due to the medications wiping out your good bacteria in your filter.
Yes, it did look red surrounded by white tissue. Today, most of the ring is gone, but the wound is mostly white, with some blood on the edges. It looks kind of like when you skin yourself and wash all the blood out. The skin around the injury looks like it is hanging off a little. He's still acting normally. There was a power outage last night, the filter was stopped for a few hours, shouldn't be too bad right?
Sounds like an ulcer.
I would isolate the sick fish and use maracyn, tetracycline, Kanacyn, . These medications will wipe the good bacteria out in your filter. So I would only suggest using these medications in isolation.

I would also suggest some daily water changes on main tank.

Good Luck.

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