Tiger Barb Issue


New Member
Apr 22, 2013
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i have 6 tiger barbs in a 90ltr tank levels are all ok however one of the tiger barbs has stopped swiiming with the shoal and hanging around the filter and not moving very much , its belly seems to have gotten bigger not sure if this is relevant im just worried if something is wrong ? any ideas ?
Is it a female?
It could be being picked on, if it's getting gravid but not ready to spawn yet.
Have you tested the water and/or done a big water change to rule out any problems in that area? I'm assuming your tank is cycled?
It could easily be an issue of overeating. Tiger barbs must be fed with a very light hand, otherwise they will eat until they burst. Keep in mind a fish's belly is about the size of its eye, so feed accordingly.
Next feeding, try some mashed, deshelled and lightly cooked frozen (or fresh) peas. She sounds like she's constipated and the peas will relieve this.
I feed my tigers once a day a tiny pinch of food. They act like they're starving, but they're not. They're just pigs. Entertaining pigs, but pigs nonetheless. You might also consider getting a few more, unless you have other fish in the tank.
thanks for the assistance the tank o cycled levels are ok just worried about the wee nipper hopefully its ok il try  the pea idea thnk you 

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