Tiger Barb Eye Has Fallen Out?


Nov 19, 2012
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One of my tiger barbs eyes has fallen out, its from fighting with other male barbs.

I am remving him to a hospital tank for treatment as his eye socket is bound ot get infected, what type of medication should I give him?

also while I am here, my new smallest smiling acara has an inverted stomach and is very dark in colour. unsure if hes being bullied out of the group and not getting any food....any ideas? should I put him into the hospital tank after the barb has healed so he can get a chance to have something to eat?
Try using melafix. That should help keep the eye from getting infected.
ooooh dear /: like lalo99 said, melafix or some form of antibacterial (myxazin?) would help
When I kept angelfish, there was 1 with one eye that had been eaten. I made sure it wasn't infected and he survived. Melafix or something like that should help.
TallTree01 said:
When I kept angelfish, there was 1 with one eye that had been eaten. I made sure it wasn't infected and he survived. Melafix or something like that should help.
as long as the wound does not become infected, the fish will indeed be able to survive, however, as is imaginable, it will of course only be able to see from one side, making it a little derpy and also at more risk of being attacked by other fish
Didn't move it to a hospital tank or treat it for infection and hes fine lol
Sadly lost my smiling acara

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