Thoughts on snails and betta


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May 24, 2017
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Hi guys I just added some snails to my tank after letting my betta settle in, to help with the algae and live plant clean up. I'm concerned that I may have over loaded the tank as it is only a 3.8 gallon. What are your thoughts?


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First up nice Betta I love the Blue ones.
Next I think you need a few more plants including some floating ones, I find Indian Fern ( Water sprite ) is the best floating plant for Bettas.

As for snails, It may or may not work, If he is aggressive expect bitten off Antena on the snails ( these grow back ) I have 1 snail in a tank with 4 female Bettas and I never see it move during the day he used to but the girls harrased him too much.

You are going to have to feed the snails, They cant survive on algae alone, and this presents another problem once the Betta discovers that the stuff you feed the snails tastes great he is going to eat the food. I feed my snail at night once the lights are off.

This video is of the sorority tank I lost in the floods.
My betta is not aggressive at all and has only flared at it once, he is more inquisitive than anything. I'm just worried with such a small tank 2 snails plus a betta is too much extra bioload.
This is where more plants will help.

Is the tank cycled?
You would be better off getting nerite snails if it is for algae as they stay small and only eat algae which may be a bit of a problem when they eat it all so maybe cultivate some in a jar of water in a window? I agree two apple snails will be too much for a tank of this size, they are big when fully grown and produce alot of waste.
Most bettas cannot resist the long tentacles of apple snails as they look like worms so even if he is not overly aggressive there is a high chance he will nip them continuously eventually causing their demise as they will not come out to feed.
This is where more plants will help.

Is the tank cycled?
Yes the tank is cycled, I saw the fern you reccomended in the fish store today when I bought the snails. I think I might return the snails if I can, buy the fern, and look into getting some nerite snails instead. Is there any temporary holding solution I can put the snails in over night to remove them from the tank to be returned in the morning?
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