Thought You Api Test Kits Users Might Appreciate My Horror...


Recovering LFS Worker
Global Moderator ⚒️
May 29, 2009
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I spend half my day testing peoples' tank water for them... imagine my horror when the ammonia test went that colour before I even finished putting all the drops in! Retested it three times to be sure...
They had been telling me their tank was looking better then it ever had and all the fish were doing great!!!
And then realised they had handed me the wrong sample pot.... I still feel a need to go scrub my hands with bleach when I even think about it! Not sure who was more mortified... the they left in a hurry... that's for sure!
I'm sorry...are you saying you tested their urine for ammonia?
I was afraid of that! EGADS!
Why would they have a urine sample with them????
Saving it for a rainy day? I can't imagine!
Maybe stopping off before a job interview, or perhaps on the way to see the probation officer.
Maybe. But normally one would do that THERE and not carry it around WITH THEM! ...EGADS! Unless they were planning on cheating...
Ding ding ding!
We have a winner!  (Or helping someone else cheat.)
It's just uncalled for to bring it into a fish store for testing. ;)
Thats horrible, I feel sorry for you MBOU.
Like Tcamos and EA are wondering, why would they even have that with them?
If its high in ammonia, we could use it to cycle tanks.
Blondielovesfish said:
Thats horrible, I feel sorry for you MBOU.
Like Tcamos and EA are wondering, why would they even have that with them?
If its high in ammonia, we could use it to cycle tanks.
It has been done. Not by me, I hasten to add.
Mbou, are you sure it wasn't just someone taking the, er.....
How did you not realize it was urine just by the color even before putting the drops in?!

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