Those Of You That Have Helped With Cycling


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2012
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So after last nights 100% wc due to plants having rotted in my tank I added the ammonia to top the tank back up to 5ppm and turned therm up to 29c.

This morning readings are as follows
Ammonia 3ppm
Nitrite 5ppm
Nitrate 100ppm :hyper:

This is good isn't it???? :shout:

I have had the tank running 3 weeks but only started adding ammonia a week ago. However, I used a couple of mature ornaments/ plants from another tank and used the cycle start that came with the tank (I understand there is controversy over these).
I would suggest testing your tap water for nitrates. 100ppm is a very high reading and not due to the cycling process, it simply does not generate nitrate that quickly.
Ok have tested the tap water,

Nitrate is 10ppm from tap. Will test tank again tomorrow and see if ammonia is coming down and nitrites are going up.
I wouldn't even be testing for Nitrates this early in a fish-less. Just monitor Ammonia and Nitrite.

But 100ppm would be an exceptionally high number after a 100% change. you sure that isn't a typo.
Not a typo - but maybe a contaminated test... Will start testing tomorrow again!
Mauigirl - ignoring my nitrate you think the cycling is starting?
You will know the benificial bacteria are increasing when your ammonia reading drops and your nitrite reading raises. As Mauigirl says, not really worth testing for nitrates until the other two readings drop right down, you are looking to achieve zero ammonia.
Not a typo - but maybe a contaminated test... Will start testing tomorrow again!
Mauigirl - ignoring my nitrate you think the cycling is starting?
It Absolutely is ,
Id say you are into the Nitrite spike.
This is a good thing
Ammonia down to 1ppm this morning, nitrites are negligible still. Will await a zero and redose up to 3ppm and see what happens.

You lot are so helpful and nice. Thank you :good:

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