this is what I like the outside of my fish shipping boxes to look like

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Do you mind elaborating? @Rusty_Shackleford
Federal Law in the U.S., originally intended to curb illegal imports of plants and animals. It actually requires all shipped aquatics, reptiles, inverts, etc. to be listed with species name and quantity of animals on the outside of the shipping box.
So that would mean any federal agent can tell what's in the box without opening it up. Or do the contents match what's actually in the box.
When I used to sell dart frogs, just for compliance, I would write the species name and quantity of animals in the smallest teeny tiny writing I could. I didn't want to draw attention to it lest some workers at FedEx or UPS recognize what it is and steal it.
Now does it ever get enforced? Probably rarely if ever. But the USFW can always be a big D if they want to.
I wanted to bring this up with regards to security even if it is a bit off topic. The issue is people post a little too much information on the web. For example there are people who look for posts from people around vacation and similar to learn they are not at home and then rob their homes. Since most content on forums like this one is readily available to anyone with an internet connection and there are a lot of bad actors in absolute sense even if they are a minority of the total population. Any personal information you post then becomes 'public' domain and can be used for malicious actions. While stuff like people name and address are easy enough to find via public records (for example if you own a home and i know your name there is a pretty good chance i can get your address and value of your home for example); on forums such as these connection to people and their real name can at least be a tiny bit harder. So for example if i know your name and you are relatively wealthy then all i have to do is wait for you to post that you are traveling to some far away location to rob your home. While personal targeting is not quite that common these 'robots' that collect information are more automatic and when a person indicate they are traveling than a human can be notified.

It is kind of sad how things work these days but while in an absolute sense it is difficult to hide information at least some minor precautions can be taken.

Btw places like Facebook are a massive target for criminals and there was (i think if my memory is correct) a criminal ring that was broken up in kansas that would wait for people to post vacation pictures to rob their home.
Federal Law in the U.S., originally intended to curb illegal imports of plants and animals. It actually requires all shipped aquatics, reptiles, inverts, etc. to be listed with species name and quantity of animals on the outside of the shipping box.
So that would mean any federal agent can tell what's in the box without opening it up. Or do the contents match what's actually in the box.
When I used to sell dart frogs, just for compliance, I would write the species name and quantity of animals in the smallest teeny tiny writing I could. I didn't want to draw attention to it lest some workers at FedEx or UPS recognize what it is and steal it.
Now does it ever get enforced? Probably rarely if ever. But the USFW can always be a big D if they want to.
Is this law relevant to domestic purchases? The package in question originated from NJ per tracking.
Is this law relevant to domestic purchases? The package in question originated from NJ per tracking.
Yes it is indeed applicable to domestic shipments. Again it's like a law they choose not to enforce but could enforce at any time. But there are many examples of things like this. Technically it's illegal to send tarantulas through the USPS. But people do it every day, vendors even advertising shipping through USPS even though tarantulas are prohibited.
I don't want to get on a soap box and preach. But 99.99% of hobbyists are unaware of what's going on and how the entire pet industry is threatened. Florida is always the test case.
Since the whole Burmese python invasion Florida Wildlife Commission has been on a jihad to ban any exotic animals that could potentially escape and live in Florida. They currently trying to push through a "White List" of approved species of reptiles. Only those species on the list could be imported. So no iguanas, no tegus or monitors, geckos, boas, etc etc.
Why does this apply to fish keepers? Because currently in Florida the fascists, ER I mean politicians, are fighting about fish. FWC believes that fish also fall under their jurisdiction. Currently fish are under the supervision of the Florida Dept. of Agriculture. There are many fish farms in Florida especially around the Miami-Homestead area. Now if FWC gains control of fish they will seek a white list on fish as well. They will ban any non native fish that could potentially live in Florida waters. What fish in the hobby couldn't live in Florida waters? What would be left with? No swordtails, tetras, barbs, cichlids, gouramis, etc. The hobby would be over. Or keep native fish. Native fish that are usually illegal to take and keep. We would all be screwed.
I agree with your post. When mods see a new member has given their full address or postcode/zipcode or even just their street we ask that they change their location.

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