This morning, he had a yellow bump between his nostril-like things next to the mouth. It looked as if a grain of sand was trapped there. An hour later, the thing just fell off... but now he has a round hole in there, as if whatever that thing was ate through his face. It's not a big hole but it is perfectly round and is between the 2 nostrils on his right side. (making it look like he has 3 nostrils instead of 2 on that side).
What could that yellow thing have been? A parasite animal? It all happened so fast...
He's ok, still feeding, but now has that odd hole...
No change in water parameters. Both ammonia and nitrite resulted as 0.
So I suspect it was either a sand piece that he sucked into his nose and got stuck there (but why did it drill a hole so fast?) or some kind of parasite, but what could it be? Fish tick?
What could that yellow thing have been? A parasite animal? It all happened so fast...
He's ok, still feeding, but now has that odd hole...
No change in water parameters. Both ammonia and nitrite resulted as 0.
So I suspect it was either a sand piece that he sucked into his nose and got stuck there (but why did it drill a hole so fast?) or some kind of parasite, but what could it be? Fish tick?