Fish Herder
OK well...All of my fish have been put down now except my super red calico bristlenose pleco. Hated making the decision but it was for the best. Stupid parasites.
Swim in peace now little friends.
So I'm just trying to think of the future instead of my current health issues. My first neurologist appointment is in the morning and then I get an MRI and x-rays of the neck on Sunday with an appointment March 2nd on those unless they see something more urgent....So anyway.....Back to fish...
First off...Total breakdown and complete clean up of my 20 gallon. I do want to set this up again. However I will be making some changes. I won't be running the canister filter in this again. I just want to do a nice sponge filter(absolutely fell in love with the one I have in the ten gallon other my pleco right now).
That's the link, it's the number 2 filter for up to 30 gallons. Now...One may work but I was almost thinking 2.
This tank will be planted. I will be getting plants going really well first and foregoing the traditional cycle. Though I will put some Malaysian trumpet snails in as I will be using playsand as substrate. I will use flourish comprehensive and flourish root tabs as fertiliser.
Now, I originally wanted to do 15 neons in this tank and just use nerite snails as algae cleanup. (My tanks seem to like green spot no matter what. Lol.) Then my 50-55 gallon tank I wanted to do a big group of glowlight tetras and harlequin rasboras with my bristlenose.
But now...I'm almost thinking of doing just glowlights in the 20 seeing as how fragile neons can be nowadays. The glowlights I had were really nice in their on their own before I had black neons. I think the black neons were just too active for them. Anyway...My thoughts were maybe like 12 glowlights? Or could I do 15 of those in the 20 gallon? It's a high tank, not long. The bristlenose also may or may not be in this tank...Which brings me to the big tank now.
I will also be getting plants going in this one first. (50-55 gallons, not real sure). I still would really like to do a tiger barb tank with half regular tiger barbs and half of the green tiger barbs. A week or so ago I went into Petsway(smaller chain store) and thy always have different fish. Petsmart has had some green ones which is where I learned about them but they were never very colored up. But I saw some really amazing green ones at Petsway. And it just made me stop and think, especially after the decision I made on putting my recent tetras down. I almost just want something different.
I love the glowlights, which is why I was asking about the 20. Now...Could a school of 30 (or more??) tiger barbs go in a 50-55 gallon? It was said that 12-20 could go in a 40 breeder when I asked about that size. And...I had planned on the bristlenose going into this tank as its bigger....Would it be OK with the barbs or would it do better in the 20 with the glowlights? I know barbs are pretty active and I wouldn't want it to be picked on. It's a pretty skittish pleco. If it went in the 20 I wouldn't do nerites. I could put a bunch of those in with the barbs. The big tank also will have a canister filter as well.
So...What does everyone think?? Stick with neons for small tank and glowlights and rasboras for the big tank or go with glowlights for small and barbs for big? Nothing will be happening for a while due to my medical issues but at least I can plan ahead and have nice dreams.
So I'm just trying to think of the future instead of my current health issues. My first neurologist appointment is in the morning and then I get an MRI and x-rays of the neck on Sunday with an appointment March 2nd on those unless they see something more urgent....So anyway.....Back to fish...
First off...Total breakdown and complete clean up of my 20 gallon. I do want to set this up again. However I will be making some changes. I won't be running the canister filter in this again. I just want to do a nice sponge filter(absolutely fell in love with the one I have in the ten gallon other my pleco right now).
That's the link, it's the number 2 filter for up to 30 gallons. Now...One may work but I was almost thinking 2.
This tank will be planted. I will be getting plants going really well first and foregoing the traditional cycle. Though I will put some Malaysian trumpet snails in as I will be using playsand as substrate. I will use flourish comprehensive and flourish root tabs as fertiliser.
Now, I originally wanted to do 15 neons in this tank and just use nerite snails as algae cleanup. (My tanks seem to like green spot no matter what. Lol.) Then my 50-55 gallon tank I wanted to do a big group of glowlight tetras and harlequin rasboras with my bristlenose.
But now...I'm almost thinking of doing just glowlights in the 20 seeing as how fragile neons can be nowadays. The glowlights I had were really nice in their on their own before I had black neons. I think the black neons were just too active for them. Anyway...My thoughts were maybe like 12 glowlights? Or could I do 15 of those in the 20 gallon? It's a high tank, not long. The bristlenose also may or may not be in this tank...Which brings me to the big tank now.
I will also be getting plants going in this one first. (50-55 gallons, not real sure). I still would really like to do a tiger barb tank with half regular tiger barbs and half of the green tiger barbs. A week or so ago I went into Petsway(smaller chain store) and thy always have different fish. Petsmart has had some green ones which is where I learned about them but they were never very colored up. But I saw some really amazing green ones at Petsway. And it just made me stop and think, especially after the decision I made on putting my recent tetras down. I almost just want something different.
I love the glowlights, which is why I was asking about the 20. Now...Could a school of 30 (or more??) tiger barbs go in a 50-55 gallon? It was said that 12-20 could go in a 40 breeder when I asked about that size. And...I had planned on the bristlenose going into this tank as its bigger....Would it be OK with the barbs or would it do better in the 20 with the glowlights? I know barbs are pretty active and I wouldn't want it to be picked on. It's a pretty skittish pleco. If it went in the 20 I wouldn't do nerites. I could put a bunch of those in with the barbs. The big tank also will have a canister filter as well.
So...What does everyone think?? Stick with neons for small tank and glowlights and rasboras for the big tank or go with glowlights for small and barbs for big? Nothing will be happening for a while due to my medical issues but at least I can plan ahead and have nice dreams.