Thinking Of Starting A Small Tank

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Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I've not decided yet but I am thinking of starting a little 12 liter tank for more shrimp.. or I may just add more shrimp to the tank I am already keeping them in.

IF I do decide to set up a new tank... which would be 12 liters with heater and fluval mini filter... if I cut my existing filter sponge in half and split it between the two filters giving them each half a cycled sponge and half a new sponge.... would that be enough to be able to use the tank right away for shrimp? A sort of do it all in one day plan?
Don't see why not, I'd use the same water too and may be some of the substrate
Water and substrate do not contain a significant amount of bacteria (unless you're using an undergravel filter, which I doubt you are, in which case the gravel would, but still not the water).

Using half the colonized sponge in each should be good enough. Just keep an eye on the water with testing the first week to make sure you don't experience a mini cycle.
Why use fresh water when you already have some well conditioned water to hand bacteria or not? 50;50 IMO. Also the substrate contains loads of bacteria and nutrients especially if adding plants, which I assume you are as its for shrimps.
I'd probably add unused substrate as I haven't added extra to existing tanks to really spare... but I have a lot of plants to move around.

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