Thinking Of Keeping Turtles. Need Some Useful Advise.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
North Alabama
I have this 110 gallon tank just sitting in my den.  I am experienced in aquariums. I understand cycling and maintaining aquariums. I know a tank this tall isn't ideal for turtles but I think it will suffice. I would like to know what type of turtles are your favorites and how many would be suitable to keep. I would like to keep live plants and a few fish. Maybe a small pleco and a small school of tetra's or something. Whatever will make the turtles habitat the most habitable. I have 2 fluval 404 filters, I was thinking of just using one. Pretty much I'd like to hear from the turtle enthusiasts out there what you all would do if you had this tank on hand. 
I do have three red sliders but they are in a pond in my backyard. Never kept them in a tank. But maybe you need bigger fish, or research fish that the turtle won't actually have as snack. Which I admit I have no idea which those would be.
Snake necked turtles are awesome put large catfish,chiclids and oscars will do.(large ones not babys)

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