Thinking Of Changing Substrate...


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
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I have a lightly planted, 10-gallon tank. It's only been up and running for a little over a month, but I'm thinking of changing the substrate for a couple of reasons:
One; the color isn't nearly as dark as it first appeared, it kind of takes away from the fish (as does the background I have, but that's an easy fix of course).
Two; I have Black Kuhli Loach, and the little guy can't exactly burrow in the substrate I currently have. He has a cave to hide in, but I plan on getting a second Kuhli eventually, and I figure it would be better for them to be able to burrow as they normally would.
So, aside from sand (I would rather not go that route), any other substrates/brands anyone out there could recommend?
I have a couple ideas in mind, but I'd like other opinions too. :)

The Dorset Pea Gravel in the small size is great but depends if you want all the same colour bottom is small enough for the little guys to dig in as well.

I went from sand to this gravel and have to say im glad i changed.

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