Think I`m in Trouble!


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
My tank`s getting cloudy,and from what I`ve read on this site, I`m sure it`s a bacterial bloom.
This wouldn`t be a REAL WORRY but I went to the LFS with a water sample after a week of "cycling" the tank with some barbs and was told the water was ok to put more fragile fish in... even after I told them the situation!
I`m pretty sure there`s no ammonia yet, but I`m real worried `cause I KNOW it`s coming to kill my (expensive, fragile and very pretty!) fish!
The fish in question has been in for a week (Blue discus) and is just now getting over quite bad new tank fright, so I don`t want to move it again so soon, from the way it acted last time, I think it may just kill it outright, and taking it back to the LFS would be like telling the guy he`s clueless right to his face!
Is my poor fish doomed, or at best destined for terrible pain and injury?
Any help....
Cheers, Nick...
hi Nick

welcome to fish keeping - it does get better I promise :)

how big is your tank? How long had you had it set up before you put the barbs in, how many fish are in there, any plants and do you have any test kits to test your water
hello and welcome 1stly calm my friend theres many people her with the best info

i see your doing a cycle with fish i myself did and all worked out fine had no problems atall

but do you have tester kits ... for ph amonia nitrite nitrate if so have you tested ?
and what where the results

then how big is your tank how long has it been going how many fish
and to the bacteria bloom i dont think this is bad (i may be wrong) bacteria is needed to brake down fishy poop and pee to nitrite and then nitrate

do you have a air stone i have read this can help or air pad by creating bubbles it brakes the surface

the bacteria does this if its blloning in tank then i think it should settle soon
i may be wrong but im sure others can help more then me

have you done a water change
IMO you should take the discus back and TELL the jerk TO HIS FACE he was wrong!!

Discus are a somewhat sensitive fish and should NEVER be used for cycling a tank!!

I don't want to say the discus is doomed, but it is going to go thru some very rough times and may very well not make it!!

Please take the discus back!!!

:no: Ask for the manager....

cm is right..... - discuss is only for a mature tank and the correct soft acidic water....


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