They Say Cory's Are Hardy Fish.........


Fish Addict
Jan 12, 2011
Reaction score
North Staffs

Cleaning out my External canister filter (Picture)...


Would you believe it, I found 3 Albino Cory's having a good old swim about in the bottom of the filter with all the mush and sand !

Cory's seem ok, so have put them in a quarantine tank to make sure they are OK before introducing them into my community tank.

Must have been there a while as the are about 6 weeks old. (Approx 1/2 Inch long)


Obviously the filter had just the right amount of water movement and food for the little guys.

Congrats on being a surprised parent

My BN fry get into my filters if I fill the water too high, (they go over the return of the HOB filter), while my cherry shrimp seem happy to take a ride up the filter intake, beats me how they survive the impellor.
Hi All
I have found my kulies in my fluval external filter , how do they survive the impellor ? Also last week giving tank good clean and took abit of bogwood out of tank, out for about an hour and when putting back in , noticed a hole in top and there was a kulie and when back on bottom of tank , it swam out , how do they do this
I was redoing the substrate in my 30 gal from a pH buffering sand to one that (Hopefully, still not sure) won't buffer quite as much. anyways I had taken all of everything out, including all the shrimp I could. Anyways I put in new sand and was putting the decorations back in the tank before I filler it with water.
There was about an inch of water over my sand and it was pretty cloudy with debris, anyways I picked up my first piece of bog wood, the piece I wanted to support another piece on, I held it for a few minutes, trying to decide exactly where I wanted it, and when I put it in the tank one of my Panda Cory's popped out of it!
I had been holding it for about 2 minutes, and there was only an inch of dirty water in the tank. I couldn't decide weather to take him out or just leave him until I was done. I ended up leaving him and he's none the worse for ware (In fact as soon as the others were back in the tank I couldn't even tell which one had had the little adventure!)

Maybe I should check my filter for fry... :p
Wow, that must've been a surprise! Maybe we should use our filters as breeding nets?

I actually don't consider them hardy fish in the terms that they need a lot more care as far as medications and substrate and chemicals you're putting into the tank. Pygmy's seem especially prone to even trace amounts of ammonia for poisoning symptoms to appear.
beats me how they survive the impellor.

Depends where ther impellor is. In some externals the water is sucked through the media, with the impellor the last thing the water goes through before it returns to the tank. So fry staying in the filter would be okay, but returning to the tank would be fatal.
I know my sneaky BN fry just sucker their way over the return part of my HOB filter (I have watched them do this when the water is really high), and then they have a field day cleaning my filter media. The shrimp seem however to go up the intake of the filter through the impellor and then they too feast on the filter media. But I suspect only the smallest shrimplets are able to survive not being "blended" by the impellor. Just like I suspect most fish fry that are discovered in filters got in there as eggs and simply hatched in the filter and then grew up on the bacteria colonies.

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