These Fish!

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May 27, 2013
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My gfs auntie has had these fish about 10 years and gettin too big for her tank and we have a 5ft tank so she said we can have them free, we only have mollies atm but what are they? Look like catfish sharks.. Will they be ok with other fish/small etc?

A little hard to tell looking at it sideways, but those are ID (iridescent) sharks.
Are they like this one:

If so, here's another picture of an ID shark:

If not, they may be paroon sharks:

You have 3 of these (from what I can see). Unless you want to make an indoor pond.. I'm gonna recommend getting rid of them. I would be highly surprised if you still have mollies tbh.. they definitely won't survive the night with those bad boys.

Bit of better pic I hope? She said they grow to about a foot but im not sure? She had them withh small fish atm too
Looks like an Iridescent Shark, aka siamese shark or sutchi catfish. I'm not certain due to the low resolution of the picture. They are a species of shark catfish and can get to be a few feet long. If they've been kept for some time in a tank smaller than 5 feet as you say, I suspect they are severely stunted. As an adult it will eat smaller fish. You probably will want to rehome them, as thy require a huge tank and will eat your other fish.
*EDIT* Sniped by SamB
That's definately an iridescent. If they're about a foot and have been kept for years, it comfirms my suspicion that they're stunted. They're maiximum size is around 4 feet, and they will eat your mollies.
With that second picture I can definitely confirm that the top fish is an iridescent shark. If the others are the same, they are all those sharks and have the potential to grow to 4-5'
4-5 foot? She said shes had them 10 years but I don't know? She has them with some small fish atm aswell as plecs and clown loach's
Nordk said:
Looks like an Iridescent Shark, aka siamese shark or sutchi catfish. I'm not certain due to the low resolution of the picture. They are a species of shark catfish and can get to be a few feet long. If they've been kept for some time in a tank smaller than 5 feet as you say, I suspect they are severely stunted. As an adult it will eat smaller fish. You probably will want to rehome them, as thy require a huge tank and will eat your other fish.
*EDIT* Sniped by SamB
That's definately an iridescent. If they're about a foot and have been kept for years, it comfirms my suspicion that they're stunted. They're maiximum size is around 4 feet, and they will eat your mollies.
**EDIT** OP clarified.
Hard to tell from OP if they have indeed been kept for years. If they were raised from youth and have only recently reached this size, they may not be stunted at this point in time
ID sharks should grow about an inch every 2-3 months. I don't know if this growth rate slows or not. It sounds like she's kept them in a way too small tank which has stunted them and probably in the end caused permanent damage. They usually grow to 4', with some reaching 6'.
If they've been kept for 10 years as stated in the OP, they are stunted. However, SamB may be correct if they have been kept for a shorter period ot time. I'm not familiar with this fish's growth rates, so I can't say how long that period is.
Like 2.5-3ft, their not a foot yet but she knows its cruel for them in that tank so offered them me or will give them to a shop

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