The Snakes


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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Hey, it's Paradise<3 under a new account as my old account is kind of broken and I can't log on. I am currently waiting for my old account to be deleted so that I am not under multiple accounts. Anyway, these are my other pets - My snakes. I only own two Corn Snakes currently but I will be receiving two new Corns in September :)
My current pair are a female Hypomelanistic PH Amel and a male Butter Corn Snake :)
I have 9 eggs from them incubating currently, they are due to hatch in 2 days but could take a lot longer.
The pair of snakes themselves :)
Sakana - Hypomelanistic PH Amel.



And the Hypomelanistic belly. The name "Hypomelanistic" means "Reduced Black" and this is displayed in both her top markings where her saddles should have a thin black lining to them and her belly checkers where they should be all black. As she is Hypomelanistic she lacks a lot of the black on her back and sides and her belly checkers are Yellow and Brown instead :)


Cereus - Butter(Caramel, Amel)




Hope you like them :)
I was going to get a cornsnake but am not sure, Never kept a snake in my life.
Very pretty! I love the thin borders. Most people go crazy for the okeetees, but I prefer thinner borders. Anyways, if Sakana has an amel parent, I'd bet the combination was a SK het hypo and a hypo. Do you have any plans to test out those genes? You could your two this winter, if they are old and heavy enough. If she has amel in her, it would be expressed in the offspring.
techen said:
I was going to get a cornsnake but am not sure, Never kept a snake in my life.
I'd suggest them! I love my corns. Ball pythons are also great. They are different though.
The corns are one I love to play with, while I just sit and watch TV with my ball python, due to how calm he is.
ooo they are both very nice, ive been toying with the idea of getting a corn snake and this is persuading me a bit more xD.
been looking for a miami corn snake but cant seem to find them any where.
how long are the two you have?
Vibora said:
Very pretty! I love the thin borders. Most people go crazy for the okeetees, but I prefer thinner borders. Anyways, if Sakana has an amel parent, I'd bet the combination was a SK het hypo and a hypo. Do you have any plans to test out those genes? You could your two this winter, if they are old and heavy enough. If she has amel in her, it would be expressed in the offspring.
I was going to get a cornsnake but am not sure, Never kept a snake in my life.
I'd suggest them! I love my corns. Ball pythons are also great. They are different though.
The corns are one I love to play with, while I just sit and watch TV with my ball python, due to how calm he is.
I am trying to prove it out but I have no idea what her parents were. All I know to give me the hint that she may be het for Amel is that her clutch mate was an Amel. I'm hopefully proving it out when these eggs hatch as she was bred to my Butter(Caramel, Amel) so if she is then the hatchlings should be 1/2 Amel het Caramel, Hypo and 1/2 Carolina het Hypo, Amel, Caramel :)
For her to be a Hypo Het Amel her parents had to be one of these combinations. She is only Possible het though, not definite.
They had to be one of these for her to possibly be Hypo het Amel.
Carolina het Hypo, Amel x Same.
Amel het Hypo x Same
Amel het Hypo x Carolina het Hypo, Amel
Hypo het Amel x Same.
Hypo het Amel x Carolina het Hypo, Amel
Hypo het Amel x Amel het Hypo
And the Butter has no known hets so is just Butter which is Caramel, Amel :)
Reddsam: Miami's are a locality morph and are one of the rarer locality morphs. The most common is Carolina. It tends to go Carolina, Okeetee, Miami, Keys and then Alabama. They are the locality morphs from most commonly sold to least commonly sold :)
Miami are one of the nicer Locality morphs though.
Okeetee is Carolina, just selectively bred to have brighter colors and thick, dark saddles. Although, as I said before, I like the thinner saddles honestly. My Carolina has pretty, thin saddles that I love.
Vibora said:
Okeetee is Carolina, just selectively bred to have brighter colors and thick, dark saddles. Although, as I said before, I like the thinner saddles honestly. My Carolina has pretty, thin saddles that I love.
Okeetee is a locality morph not a bred morph
It is a "normal" morph from a different locality to Carolina

Abbotts Okeetee is a Selectively bred to be brighter and have thicker saddles
It's a Selectively Bred Okeetee as is given away by the name. Okeetee is just a Locality morph, just like Carolina, Alabama, Keys and Miami

"A normal phase, from South Carolina. Locality purists class an Okeetee as 'from within the boundary of The Okeetee Hunt Club, South Carolina'.
A brightly coloured orange body with orange/red blotches, outlined with a wide black band.
Other locality cornsnakes are Alabama, Keys and Miami"
Carolina is a Locality but not technically classed as a morph. - Okeetee - Abbotts Okeetee
AcidicAngel said:
Okeetee is Carolina, just selectively bred to have brighter colors and thick, dark saddles. Although, as I said before, I like the thinner saddles honestly. My Carolina has pretty, thin saddles that I love.
Okeetee is a locality morph not a bred morph
It is a "normal" morph from a different locality to Carolina

Abbotts Okeetee is a Selectively bred to be brighter and have thicker saddles
It's a Selectively Bred Okeetee as is given away by the name. Okeetee is just a Locality morph, just like Carolina, Alabama, Keys and Miami

"A normal phase, from South Carolina. Locality purists class an Okeetee as 'from within the boundary of The Okeetee Hunt Club, South Carolina'.
A brightly coloured orange body with orange/red blotches, outlined with a wide black band.
Other locality cornsnakes are Alabama, Keys and Miami"
Carolina is a Locality but not technically classed as a morph.
Ah. I guess that makes sense. Sort of a sub-group, if you will.  Thanks for correcting me, I've always been mistaken . :)
Vibora said:

Okeetee is Carolina, just selectively bred to have brighter colors and thick, dark saddles. Although, as I said before, I like the thinner saddles honestly. My Carolina has pretty, thin saddles that I love.
Okeetee is a locality morph not a bred morph
It is a "normal" morph from a different locality to Carolina

Abbotts Okeetee is a Selectively bred to be brighter and have thicker saddles
It's a Selectively Bred Okeetee as is given away by the name. Okeetee is just a Locality morph, just like Carolina, Alabama, Keys and Miami

"A normal phase, from South Carolina. Locality purists class an Okeetee as 'from within the boundary of The Okeetee Hunt Club, South Carolina'.
A brightly coloured orange body with orange/red blotches, outlined with a wide black band.
Other locality cornsnakes are Alabama, Keys and Miami"
Carolina is a Locality but not technically classed as a morph.
Ah. I guess that makes sense. Sort of a sub-group, if you will.  Thanks for correcting me, I've always been mistaken .


You're not the only one, trust me lol. It's quite often mistaken :) Just takes a bit to get it right with corn snake morphs and genetics. I've only just picked it up and have technicaly been working with Sakana for nearly 6 years now lol. She's 8 years old this year but was my uncles before I got her so I've known her for about 6 years. Before that, she was owned by someone who quite simply didn't know a single thing about snakes. Kept them in a 27 inch viv together(her and her brother - The Amel) and fed them mouse fluffs up until he gave them to my uncle and they were 3ft long when he gave them away.
Reddsam: Sorry I forgot to add their lengths till now. Sakana is 5'6" and Cereus is approx. 5'2" long :)

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