Hey everyone! So in case you didn't know I was spending a few weeks with my grandparents...while I was there, we went to a pet store and I found a betta there...I couldn't leave him, particularly because he was what I had been looking for since Kroll died...a betta who was aware of outside the tank...because I wanted a betta with character...one more like a pet than just a show off pretty betta (like my sister's lol...we call my sister's betta the blonde of the betta world
)...I bought a 1/3 gallon betta keeper to keep him in for the night (because we weren't leaving until the next morning), high protein food, water conditioner to change his water...He got two water changes in a day and a half...he had to endure a 16 hour drive home in his little container that I bought to get him out of his cup..he had to spend one more night in the betta keeper, but I cleaned up his new home this morning, got it all ready for him.
This is his first day in his new tank so his colors and fins have a long way to go to improve...he looked rather...em...homely looking when I first saw him...he still sort of does..but the camera flash picked up a few of his "hidden" colors that should come out more in the future...One thing I did notice, however, is that his face is an almost turqoise color...And has almost that guppy snakeskin pattern to it..hmm...he should be an interesting one..oh and sorry it was really hard to get a good picture of him because the big lug kept looking straight at the camera no matter what I did. Camera friendly much? I don't think he knows what to do with all the new space...his way of exploring is to swim up to one thing at a time..like a leaf, the wood, a new plant, the filter, the heater...and stare it down for a full minute before moving on the the next thing...
Well anyway, without further ado....My new king betta!
A little shy perhaps? Or just staring down another plant?
Snapped a few pictures of my little sister's blonde betta, Bob.
Edit: Forgot to mention...he has a bit of what looks like tearing on his fins just a little in certian areas...I don't know if you can see it but one of the more obvious places is one of his ventral fins looks to be torn almost in half. With this healthy environment they should heal, though.

Well anyway, without further ado....My new king betta!

A little shy perhaps? Or just staring down another plant?

Snapped a few pictures of my little sister's blonde betta, Bob.

Edit: Forgot to mention...he has a bit of what looks like tearing on his fins just a little in certian areas...I don't know if you can see it but one of the more obvious places is one of his ventral fins looks to be torn almost in half. With this healthy environment they should heal, though.