The Official " Wild Guppy Appreciation" Thread


Fish Crazy
Apr 28, 2012
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It started two weeks ago when I went to my LFS to get some stuff I needed for my new 37 gallon (aboot 400 liters)tank.. I saw they had a huge tank for feeder guppys and there was a lone guppy female in it.. So, I get's aboot 50 bucks worth of stuff (powerhead, air pump, air stone, etc).. I says to the kid whilst checking out "Dude, you got one feeder guppy in that tank back there, is she for sale?" The kid gets her out and I bring her home.. I puts her in my tank and she is the fastest guppy I has ever seen.. No wonder she was the last one left.. i named her Chevette because she's so fast..

Monday I took home 24 more to do the in fish cycle on my new tank.. I lost 7 to death, but put three males in my other tank, and one other purdy male in my smallest tank, but he got et by the Betta..

I'm digging these lil guys.. Too cool for shoes...
I've been breeding them for a while and have now set up a tank for the surplus males, some really intresting colour patterns emerging and no two are the same. They are very hardy underestimated and overlooked fish and need to be kept in a colony to see them at their best imo.

Long finned fancy varieties look a bit odd to me now, but I do like the colours and patterns of the short finned fancy types.
I've been breeding them for a while and have now set up a tank for the surplus males, some really intresting colour patterns emerging and no two are the same. They are very hardy underestimated and overlooked fish and need to be kept in a colony to see them at their best imo.

Long finned fancy varieties look a bit odd to me now, but I do like the colours and patterns of the short finned fancy types.

respeck.. I am going to set the 37 gallon up as my wild guppy colony tank.. I do has a betta in there for crowd control..

I did add a couple fancy guppys to that tank already, but I don't think that'll hurt thangs.
37 gallons is nowhere near 400 litres. More like 150. Just saying.

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