The Completed 100G And Some Inhabitants

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Fish Crazy
Jul 2, 2015
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Eastern Newt:

Gold Nugget Plecos:



It is also supposed to have a discus in there, but she hides A LOT right now, because she's alone. I'm getting more soon though. And I'm getting angelfish to go in there as well. I'm guessing probably later this week for both.
Awesome looking tank although as Munroco said maybe glue that rock structure together unless it's really stable or eventually one of your fish will knock it down which never ends well. Other then that very cool aquascape :)
It actually IS glued in place. All safe :)

You just can't tell (by design).

And the driftwood will lose that slate once it is waterlogged.
Wow, thats nice, that one little fish looks like the only inhabitant at the moment, bet hes loving it in there! its massive.
He isn't the only one, but he IS loving it. That's one of four (now three) sunburst platies that were given to me by Petsmart staff as newborns. They were being kept in a betta cup. They asked if I wanted them and I gladly accepted. One of them seemed to have stunted growth, and never developed and eventually passed away. But these three have survived and grow up. They've been through a tank of columnaris, one that developed fungus, and then a problem with internal parasites, with NO problems what so ever. So when I got this one running, I moved them from a 37-gallon Betta sorority tank into this. They had run of the tank for a while, but this past Friday I added three more baby discus, and four angelfish. Today I'm adding a single giant male betta. He's on drip acclimation right now.
Is it ok to add a betta to a tank with angels and discus? I feel like this would end badly for him.
Word of advice, the newt will escape lol. If he doesnt heres some more, they love live bloodworm and mosquito larvae, a nice dark hiding place out of the water is a good idea too along with somewhere she can dry off and shed her skin(looks female to me). Not sure which species are compatible either as ive heard stories about legs being bitten off (newts can regrow limbs if they survive but probably dont have a good time doing so).
It was actually a male. A VERY obvious male once you got him out of water. Water really does make it all shrink.

BUT, he has passed since I posted this. He wedged himself under one of the heaters, and got burned when the heater turned on. He DID escape it, and I moved him to a 10-gallon tank by himself for a bit, but the burned skin turned white, and then developed an infection. I began to treat him, but just as I did, he passed away. I'm assuming since the top of his head was part of the burned area, the infection set in REALLY fast right on his brain. Just a bad combination overall.

However, there are now four discus total and four angelfish in that tank. Three platies (the newt ate one, but then I got a male sunset dalmation platy), seven otos, one giant male betta, and an L264 Sultan Pleco. I LOVE watching the otos school across the front of the tank though! THAT was an awesome addition!

And the sultan pleco has decided to rearrange the sand and gravel. So my aquascaping is in the process of being ruined. No worries, as long as he's happy.

The giant betta actually kinda bullies the angels and discus around. He doesn't tear them up or anything, but he'll flare and chase them sometimes. Even though he's a giant, he's somewhat small at only 3 inches total length (tail and all). Giants are supposed to be 3-4 inches BODY ONLY.

But everything is living peacefully in there. I've even tossed in some female shrimp, and they'll pop up now and then during feeding time to eat what the others can't fit in their bellies!

Oh, I forgot the assassin snails. I have found PLENTY of pond snail shells on the black sand, so I know they're doing good. And I keep finding their eggs everywhere too! So lord knows they're happy!

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