The Best Feel Better Prezzie : 3


Fish Crazy
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Co Durham, UK
So I came home from the shops yesterday and been all worried about my Fish right now I go over to see if everyone is OK. They're all acting very excited and wizzing round the tank. I thought maybe Holly, my cat, had jumped up at them, given them a scare. But she always ignores them. So I'm looking to see what could be wrong and then I see something. I bit of leaf? No, it's moving... it's a teeny tiny fry!

But wait, what's that? Another one!

I found two tiny little Guppy Fry swimming around near the base of the plants. They're now both in a breeder net. And with my lovely Sunny boy dieing the other day they've made me feel a little bit better : )

I think I'll be keeping both these ones, having lost two Guppies and a Platy. They seem so happy, bless them : )

I'm feeding them powdered flake food three times a day and they seem to be eating it fine. Is there anything I should be doing for them to keep them happy and healthy?
Congrats on the fry, make sure the breeding net stays clean, most people just use a turkey blister to get the dirt off the bottom of the net, apart from that sounds like you are doing it all right.
Thanks : )

I have spare little Turkey baster type thingies that come with my water treaters, to mesure the amount. They're the same kinda thing, only smaller. So I'm using a one of those to suck the left overs up.

Already there's a clear difference in colour. One is a red colour, almost glassy, and the other is darker. They both have lovely very light blue eyes just like Geisha does, who I'm sure is their mummy. The red one I'm thinking may turn out to be a sort of albino, like Geisha. She not real albino, she has a bright red tail, but she's very pale everywhere else and as I say she has lovely ice-blue eyes. The darker one is more difficult to guess about. I don't even know who the daddy is, although my bets are on it being Lemon.

Once they get a bit bigger (and the tank has had a chance to become further cycled) I should be able to put them in the now empty quarentine tank that Flame was in. They can grow up in there till they're big enough to go in with the big boys and girls.

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