Tetra Died - Help Needed Please


New Member
Jun 8, 2012
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Late here in UK so slightly rushed post...
My tetra just died (12/15m old), 20 gallon fluval chi, 7 small communal fish neon, this one's buddy, guppy etc (3-5cm) and 1 slightly larger loach.
Will post water readings when I've done them, although last test proved all okay (no ammonia etc)

See attached picture.

Fish eyes became big, stomach bloated rapidly (2 days from symptoms to death) and a strange lump appears on the top of the head.

Is this contagious? How can I help?


Apologies for sad pic :(


  • 2013-03-20 23.44.58.png
    2013-03-20 23.44.58.png
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Okay so Ammonia & Nitrate/ite were tested today and they came up good (None)
So...any ideas?
Maybe dropsy?  I'm not really sure but that is the best I could come up with doing internet research.  I'm not really sure what the bump on the head could be.

Neon tetra disease can cause lumps.... and is pretty common among the tetras.  
Well the enlarged eyes could be pop eye and the lump might my lymphocystis. Lymphocystis is caused by a virus and takes hold during a period of stress. It can also cause secondary bacterial infections (the popeye maybe?).
Not sure if this is the cause of your fishes death though, has it been stressed out recently or has anything occurred that could have stressed it?
Well we added 2 guppies to the tank a few months back, I have noticed their tails splitting which is a bit of a pain (any ideas how to fix?) seems like all these illnesses came at the same time. Strange?
Can I have a list of the fish in your tank?
Also, what are you levels?
I keep a small amount of salt in mine to promote healthy fins and what not... but some fish are sensitive to this.

Also, did you guppies have babies? Maybe the tetra ate the babies and he ate too much?
Okay so 25l tank:
2 Cherry barb - 2.5cm
1 loach - 3cm
1 Big tetra 2.5cm
1 little tetra 1.5cm
2 guppy (1.5 & 2)
1 Tetra (partner to dead one above) same size.
My dad maintains the tank and informs me that today there is little/no ammonia & nitrate/nitrite levels are good.
Any ideas how to help the guppies tails? It is not caused by scrapping...
Add freshwater aquarium salt to your tank. Make sure you follow the directions on the box. 
You said your nitrite levels were good, but that ammonia was little/none. There should be zero ammonia and nitrite in your tank. Exposure to these can make your fish very susceptible to disease, which may be what ultimately killed your fish here.

I'm a little concerned about there being no nitrate, as there should be. Can I ask what you use to test your water?
He just said the levels were good not what exactly they were. I would like to know the numbers as well... but.... he didnt give them

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