Testing Substrate


Fish Fanatic
Dec 9, 2015
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Do you test your substrate before you put it into your tank?
Wash, leave in bucket over night and test for ammonia, pH changes, etc?
for substrate you purchase from a pet store it should be ready to use.  For gravel or sand you collect its probably a god idea to put it in  a bucket with water and monitor the GH, Kh, and PH.  If you see no changes over a day or two its OK.  However if the parameters change you want to keep cycling the water in bucket until the parameter stabilize.  If the parameters don't stabilize, Don't use the material.  Ammonia Nitrate, and Nitrite should never be a issue because they are gases.  If the material is dry the gases will simply disperse into the air.   If the material has a lot of organics in it,  it will need to be washed and maybe sterilized before use.
StevenF said:
for substrate you purchase from a pet store it should be ready to use.  For gravel or sand you collect its probably a god idea to put it in  a bucket with water and monitor the GH, Kh, and PH.  If you see no changes over a day or two its OK.  However if the parameters change you want to keep cycling the water in bucket until the parameter stabilize.  If the parameters don't stabilize, Don't use the material.  Ammonia Nitrate, and Nitrite should never be a issue because they are gases.  If the material is dry the gases will simply disperse into the air.   If the material has a lot of organics in it,  it will need to be washed and maybe sterilized before use.

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