Good Afternoon.
Just done a water test and here are the results
PH 7.6
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 80
Hard water area. Its a 60L with 2 koi angels, 2 golden barbs and 2 dalmation mollies. I would probably say that the Ammonia needs to come a bit down so does the nitrate. Any ides how I can do this. Heard of things you can buy to do this does anyone have any recommendations. The test was done with API Freshwater Test Kit
Just done a water test and here are the results
PH 7.6
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 80
Hard water area. Its a 60L with 2 koi angels, 2 golden barbs and 2 dalmation mollies. I would probably say that the Ammonia needs to come a bit down so does the nitrate. Any ides how I can do this. Heard of things you can buy to do this does anyone have any recommendations. The test was done with API Freshwater Test Kit