Test Results


Mostly New Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Got an API freshwater test kit for xmas and results as follows.
ph= 7.6
Ammonia= 0ppm
Nitrite= 0ppm
Nitrate 40ppm
Are  the results  good???
 Cant seem to get the Nitrate down anymore than that.
We have a 26 litre tank 400 x 250 x 250mm with 5 fish. 2 Golden Barbs, 2 Koi angelfish and 1 Sunset platy. Not going to get any more than that as dont want to over stock a little tank and will rehome the Koi Angelfish when they get too big for the tank as they are only about an inch big at the minute. All seem to get along great so far and feeding them every other day with Tetra fish flakes. Any suggestions for live food aswell. Look forward to hearing replies.
Cheers Peeps.
:hi: to the forum, pongo :)
Your results are fine. It's very likely that, if you test your tap water, you'll find nitrate in that, which will give you a baseline level. You should aim to never let your nitrate get more than 20ppm above what's in your tap water.
You should rehome the angels as a matter of urgency. Fish that are kept in tanks that are too small often never grow properly. This is called 'stunting' and it can lead to deformities and a whole host of other health issues, leading to a significantly shortened lifespan.
If I'm being totally honest, none of your fish are suitable for a 25l tank. We have a thread; here http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/418749-nano-fish/ which lists the species suited to smaller tanks.

These readings are good!
Fluttermoth has given a lot of good advice.
Hope you enjoy the forum.
I would almost agree with the above advice except that the test kits for nitrate are not worth a dime.

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