Tankmates?: Kissing Gouramis and Blind Cave Tetras


New Member
Feb 3, 2020
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United States of America
I`m currently planning my tank. I`ve read that Kissing Gouramis are good with larger tetras, which Blind Cave Tetras are, and that Blind Cave Tetras can share a tank with gouramis, but I`ve also heard that Blind Cave Tetras shouldn't be put with semi-aggressive fish. So, should I? Or is it a bad idea?
The short answer is, none of the fish mentioned can be together in an aquarium. It would also help to know the tank dimensions and volume, and the source (tap) water parameters especially GH and pH.

Kissing Gourami grows to 12 inches (30cm), requiring at absolute minimum a 4-foot (120 cm) long tank around 100 gallons, but even this is not really adequate. Not a good general community fish. It may be kept in very large aquaria with some of the larger barbs, non-aggressive cichlids, catfish such are the loricariids, etc. It should be kept in small groups to confine the aggression to conspecifics. As it grows it will eat fish smaller than itself, and consume the softer aquarium plants.

Blind Cave Tetra...very peaceful, a suitable companion to basic water fish (meaning fish suited to moderate hardness and a basic pH above 7) such as livebearers and characin species that can manage in such water. Though not a shoaling fish, it does better in small groups.

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