Tank Sloping Slightly


Fish Fanatic
Oct 14, 2012
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Hi All

I've finally filled my new 55gal (US) and now full of water it is sloping ever so slightly down the length of the tank. It is level side to side so there is no twisting on the tank and by slightly I mean a degree or less.

How much of an issue is this. I've read conflicting reports and some say that so long as no 1 corner is lower than the other 3 then it doesn't have an impact of the integrity of the tank (i.e if it is a straight slope front to back or side to side). Others say it causes a stress point.

I will try and level it properly but can't do anything more tonight.


Danny B
I would drain it as much as possible and level it up, it's not just a case of a stress point occurring on a corner it could also occur on a whole pane and blow out. Even a slight uneveness can mean extra pressure on a seam when it's designed to be equal all over. Not worth the risk IMO.
Definitely not worth the risk :crazy:
It is, as you said, twisting that causes the most strain on an aquarium. In reality I wonder how many tanks are truely level? Yes, of course it is best if it is, but not crucial. If it is a slight slope on a solid floor there isn't a major strain being placed on it. Then comes the question of how you level it? This has to be done in a way that doesn't cause the cabinet or tank to distort. On a cabinet the only way to do it is with very thin strips of wood undrneath and it becomes, with the best measuring in the world, trial and error because of compression under wieght. Also, if its a new tank and cabinet, check out your warranty, your not covered if you modify the cabinet in any way. If the floor slopes, in this instance a level platform needs to be made. So, to sum up, in this instance the amount it's out won't cause a problem, but I STRESS, pardon the pun lol, thats only an opinion.
This always makes me think of my mum, it was years ago when I lived at home I had a 2 foot tank on one of the kitchen cupboards and that had a slight slope on it because the cupboard wasn't level.
Any way one day I saw her pouring some water in and I asked what she was doing, she replied, "I'm pouring some in this end where it's not level." :D
The tank is straight onto floorboards. The house was built in 1890 which means two things - one good, they massively over engineered things so the joists are solid oak and would support a herd of elephants and one bad, nothing is straight or level (try hanging a door in a stone built 1890's house!).

I bought just the tank and built a custom stand from 18mm MDF. It is 1220mm x 390mm with a total of 5 full depth uprights (i.e the two end uprights and then a further 3 between). The uprights are 600mm high. All were cut by the DIY store on a monster saw so are completely equal in size.

On top of the tank is a 50mm sheet of polystyrene.

I can shim the stand without distorting it I think if necessary.


Danny B
Well Danny, sounds like a good base, strongly constructed. If the tank is sitting truely flat, i.e. all four edges align when opposites are "eyed", or checked with a level, then it is a sloping issue, not a twisting one. The amount you indicate it is out is very small, shimming it to get it right would be trial and error to get it spot on. What matters here is how happy you are with it's integrity. Myself? From what you've said I don't have any concerns for your tanks safety. The other members posts must be taken into account as well, as you asked for guidance. Make no mistake tho, your the one looking at it, you have to decide if you're concerned, can you leave it or not, and if you think you can successfully sort it if you feel the need to.
Thanks all for your feedback.

I have some plastic shims I used when putting down some laminate floor so I will have a play with them tomorrow and see if I can get it levelled up a bit.


Danny B
Right-that's sorted! Well as close to level as I'm going to get it without putting something else out. When I win the lotto I'll build myself a custom fish room with proper level floors and everything!

Now to get the water temp up (hope my third heater turns up - 2 for the tank and a spare) and then hope fully tomorrow, fish!

LED strips on way to build custom lights for custom lid (to be built also) but that's a weekend job...


Danny V
The tank is straight onto floorboards. The house was built in 1890 which means two things - one good, they massively over engineered things so the joists are solid oak and would support a herd of elephants and one bad, nothing is straight or level (try hanging a door in a stone built 1890's house!).

1756 here, and those parts have remarkably level floors. I think they simply let gravity level things up. The walls, they're a different matter, although they are 2 foot thick solid stone, so overengineered is definitely applicable.

Now the 70's and 80's extensions, they're terrible. Nothing is straight.
Sounds a bit like the cottage (circa 1720's) I grew up in, you could play crazy golf on the floors there were that many ripples and bows & oak beamed wattle & daub walls bending all over the place. Glad I never had to try and set a tank up there tbh :)
The downstairs isn't too bad tbh but this is in the attic. Interesting they even put joists in the attic when it was even a room back then although with slightly less care! They don't build them like they used to.

Our poor electrician had a hell of a job rewiring the place. Having to drill through all those joists, each room had a slightly different layout, couldn't run cables where they wanted etc! Has character though...


Danny B

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