Tank Redesign For Betta!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2012
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Hi guys, didn't know whether to post this in my current redesign thread or in the Betta section, so keeping it general in here?

Anyway I'm planing to aquascape my 140L, full redesign, similar to this kinda tank..


So I'm wondering, do I need to design the scape in at specific way to accommodate the Betta, or am I ok to get the tank setup them just add the fish?

I've also got 3 Neon Tetra, and I plan on getting around 10 more.. Are these compatible tank mates do you think?

Thanks :)
my neons were fine with my betta but each ones different.
Good to know! What kinda numbers were you running?

And did you have anything else in the tank? Or can atone suggest any other compatible fish?

Really fell for Bettas (as I'm sure many do) and want to cater for tank for one :)
i had 12 neons 5 oto's 10 amano shrimp 2 plattys (i know they should have been more) and 1 betta :good: my betta past away though (old age)
Cool :)

I've read on a Betta website though that of all the Tetras, Neons are the only ones that fin-nip.. Did you experience any of this?

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